In this tutorial, you will be taken through the necessary steps to setup your machine for the ability to build, execute and submit your programming assignments for this course. This tutorial contains the setup for 3 different tools that you will need
- A C++ Compiler
- A C++ IDE
- A Git / Github account
If you run into any problems, ensure that you communicate with your professor as soon as possible to ensure ample time to get it corrected and fixed
In order to run a C++ program on any machine, we first need a compiler! The compiler is in charge of converting your C++ code into machine code (bytes) that the computer will understand. Whenever you run a program, your computer is actually getting a set of instructions in 1's and 0's that your C++ compiler produces from your program! Pretty cool right?
Luckily, CLion takes care of most of this for us!
Follow the instructions below based on your operating system of your laptop or personal computer that you will be using for this class.
Follow the instructions here
Follow the instructions here
Git is a distributed Version Control System (VCS), which means it is a useful tool for easily tracking changes to your code, collaborating, and sharing. With Git you can track the changes you make to your project so you always have a record of what you’ve worked on and can easily revert back to an older version if need be. It also makes working with others easier—groups of people can work together on the same project and merge their changes into one final source!
GitHub is a way to use the same power of Git all online with an easy-to-use interface. It’s used across the software world and beyond to collaborate and maintain the history of projects.
GitHub is home to some of the most advanced technologies in the world. Whether you're visualizing data or building a new game, there's a whole community and set of tools on GitHub that can get you to the next step.
Now that you know a little bit about these tools, lets set it up!
Create your GitHub Account - Sign up for a free GitHub account using your SMU EMAIL ( at Remember your credentials as you will be using them later
Download GitHub Desktop - Next download GitHub Desktop, an application that will help you communicate and manage your local development. Visit this link to install GitHub Desktop:
Once you have downloaded GitHub Desktop, start the app and sign in using your credentials you created in step 1.
Thats it! You are now ready and all setup for CS 1342!