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This sample demonstrates how to build a GitHub connector for Microsoft Teams, enabling integration with GitHub's APIs for streamlined notifications.
contentType technologies createdDate
08/21/2017 11:52:11 AM


The existing Microsoft 365 (previously called Office 365) connectors across all cloud platforms are nearing deprecation, and the creation of new Microsoft 365 connectors will soon be blocked. For more information on the schedule and how the Workflows app provides a more flexible and secure experience, see retirement of Microsoft 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams.

GitHub Connector for Microsoft Teams

This sample illustrates how to develop a GitHub connector for Microsoft Teams using Node.js, allowing teams to receive GitHub notifications directly within their Teams channels. The setup guides you through creating an OAuth application on GitHub, configuring a tunnel for local testing, and sideloading the connector into Teams, making it convenient to monitor GitHub activities.


  1. Register a new OAuth application at GitHub. Note the GitHub client id and secret.
  2. If you want to run this code locally, use a tunnelling service like dev tunnel or ngrok latest version.
  3. If you are using Ngrok as a tunnelling service then download ngrok from Run the following command to setup a tunnel to localhost:3000 ngrok http 3000 Note the ngrok address, which looks something like and if you are using dev tunnels, your URL will be like:
  4. Put the callback Url in the Oauth app as 'your-ngrok/auth/github/callback'.
  5. Replace the clientId,clientSecret,callbackUrl and serviceUrl in Default.json.


  • Default configuration is in config\default.json

How to Run


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