I am updating my code from Julia v0.6 to v0.7.
LibBSON.dict() is throwing an error
wrap: Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007fdfed51f5a0
owner: Core.TypeofBottom Union{}
k = 0, v = 250
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching done(::BSONObject, ::Bool)
Closest candidates are:
done(::I, ::Base.LegacyIterationCompat{I,T,S}) where {I, T, S} at essentials.jl:896
done(::AbstractString, ::Integer) at deprecated.jl:53
securitydoc = BSONObject({ "exchange" : "NSE", "ticker" : "NIFTY_50", "name" : "National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) Stock Index - Nifty 50", "_id" : { "$oid" : "59647a141078ddab805d5cf8" }, "securitytype" : "EQ", "datasources" : [ { "refreshed_at" : "2018-03-13T15:01:17.527Z", "premium" : false, "name" : "National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) Stock Index - Nifty 50", "dataset_code" : "NIFTY_50", "sourcename" : "quandl_NSE", "oldest_available_date" : "1990-07-03", "id" : 30022566, "description" : "Historical indexes for Nifty 50 (NIFTY_50), National Stock Exchange of India (NSE).", "newest_available_date" : "2018-03-13", "database_code" : "NSE", "database_id" : 33, "column_names" : [ "Date", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Shares Traded", "Turnover (Rs. Cr)" ], "frequency" : "daily", "type" : "Time Series" } ], "securityid" : 54312, "country" : "IN", "detail" : { } })
get(LibBSON.dict(securitydoc), "detail", Dict{Any, Any}())