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[🐛 Bug]: Nodes stuck in DRAINING #2654




What happened?

I'm using KEDA with drain session = 1.

After session execution node stuck and won't deprovision.

In the same time I see these message in grid:

2025-02-12 17:50:57,374 DEBUG [Probe.Liveness] - Session Queue Size: 60, Session Count: 0, Max Session: 0
2025-02-12 17:50:57,375 DEBUG [Probe.Liveness] - It seems the Distributor is delayed in processing a new session in the queue. Probe checks failed.

Command used to start Selenium Grid with Docker (or Kubernetes)

Helm chart 0.39.2

Relevant log output

16:31:38.418 INFO [NodeServer$2.lambda$start$1] - Sending registration event...
16:31:43.421 INFO [NodeServer$2.lambda$start$1] - Sending registration event...
16:31:46.218 INFO [NodeServer.lambda$createHandlers$2] - Node has been added
16:31:48.445 INFO [LocalNode.newSession] - Session created by the Node. Id: d712a9e4ffc7956978a907188bd423cd, Caps: Capabilities {acceptInsecureCerts: false, browserName: chrome, browserVersion: 133.0.6943.53, chrome: {chromedriverVersion: 133.0.6943.53 (9a80935019b0..., userDataDir: /tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium...}, fedcm:accounts: true, goog:chromeOptions: {debuggerAddress: localhost:40295}, networkConnectionEnabled: false, pageLoadStrategy: normal, platformName: linux, proxy: Proxy(), se:bidiEnabled: false, se:cdp: wss://selenium-grid.XXXX..., se:cdpVersion: 133.0.6943.53, se:containerName: selenium-grid-selenium-node..., se:noVncPort: 7900, se:vnc: wss://, se:vncEnabled: true, se:vncLocalAddress: ws://, setWindowRect: true, strictFileInteractability: false, timeouts: {implicit: 0, pageLoad: 300000, script: 30000}, unhandledPromptBehavior: dismiss and notify, webauthn:extension:credBlob: true, webauthn:extension:largeBlob: true, webauthn:extension:minPinLength: true, webauthn:extension:prf: true, webauthn:virtualAuthenticators: true}
16:31:48.447 INFO [LocalNode.checkSessionCount] - Draining Node, configured sessions value (1) has been reached.
2025-02-12 16:32:13,351 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:32:18,227 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:32:23,305 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:32:28,931 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:32:33,307 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:32:36,334 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:32:43,333 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:32:48,730 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:32:53,351 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:32:58,129 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:33:03,305 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:33:07,628 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:33:13,355 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:33:19,381 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:33:23,336 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:33:29,363 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:33:33,359 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:33:39,389 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:33:43,332 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:33:49,359 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:33:53,346 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:33:56,529 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:34:03,307 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:34:09,031 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:34:13,347 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:34:17,729 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:34:23,327 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:34:26,732 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:34:33,311 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:34:36,728 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:34:43,322 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:34:46,835 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:34:53,354 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:34:57,727 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:35:03,372 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:35:06,731 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:35:13,325 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:35:16,430 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:35:23,345 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:35:26,432 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:35:33,304 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:35:37,327 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:35:43,334 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:35:46,734 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:35:53,322 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:35:56,828 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:36:03,303 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:36:06,827 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:36:13,323 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:36:17,827 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:36:23,302 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:36:26,529 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:36:33,351 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:36:38,034 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:36:43,320 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:36:47,637 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:36:53,321 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:36:56,927 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:37:03,322 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:37:06,828 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:37:13,333 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:37:17,236 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:37:23,351 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:37:28,130 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:37:33,323 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:37:37,428 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:37:43,362 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:37:46,930 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:37:53,323 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:37:56,526 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:38:03,303 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:38:07,530 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:38:13,322 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:38:17,226 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:38:23,321 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:38:26,527 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:38:33,343 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:38:38,127 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:38:43,311 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:38:48,227 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:38:53,301 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:38:57,637 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:39:03,310 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING
2025-02-12 16:39:06,336 [Probe.Liveness] - Node ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 is not found in the Grid. Node is not ready.
2025-02-12 16:39:13,321 [Probe.Liveness] - Node responds the ID: bb6c2956-d79f-4727-99da-a96dd2ad0ba6 with status: DRAINING

Operating System


Docker Selenium version (image tag)


Selenium Grid chart version (chart version)



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