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DxcCompilationException #826



I found your library and wanted to test it for basic purposes, but I am unable to complete.
My (first) goal would be to convert 16bits values to 4x8bits (scaling 16Gray images to 32bits Bgra images).
The shader looks like this :

        public partial struct Scaling : IComputeShader
            // Other captured resources or values here...
            public ReadWriteBuffer<int> Source;
            public readonly int min;
            public readonly double scale;

            public void Execute()

                int rgb = (int)(scale * (Source[ThreadIds.X] - min) + 0.5);

                Source[ThreadIds.X] = (rgb << 24) | (rgb << 16) | (rgb << 8) | 255;


and the function that calls it :

        static public void GPUScale16Grayto32Bpp(ref Bitmap src, ref Bitmap dest, int pixel_type)

            ushort max = (ushort)(Math.Pow(2, pixel_type) - 1);
            ushort min = 0x0000;
            double scale = 255.0 / (double)(max - min);

            BitmapData src_data = src.LockBits(
                      new Rectangle(0, 0, src.Width, src.Height),
                      ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, src.PixelFormat);

            Int16[] src_array = new Int16[src.Width * src.Height];
            int[] dst_array = new int[src.Width * src.Height];

            IntPtr ptrFirstPixel = src_data.Scan0;
            Marshal.Copy(ptrFirstPixel, src_array, 0, src_array.Length);

            ReadWriteBuffer<int> buffer_src = GraphicsDevice.GetDefault().AllocateReadWriteBuffer(Array.ConvertAll<Int16,int>(src_array, x => (int)x));

            GraphicsDevice.GetDefault().For(buffer_src.Length, new GpuFonctions.Scaling(buffer_src, min, scale));

            BitmapData dest_data = dest.LockBits(
                     new Rectangle(0, 0, dest.Width, dest.Height),
                     ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, dest.PixelFormat);
            IntPtr ptrFirstPixel_dest = dest_data.Scan0;

            buffer_src.CopyTo(dst_array, 0);

            Marshal.Copy(dst_array, 0, ptrFirstPixel_dest, dst_array.Length);



I get an exception message at Runtime when reaching this line :
PipelineData pipelineData = PipelineDataLoader<T>.GetPipelineData(this.device, threadsX, threadsY, threadsZ, ref shader);

Message=The DXC compiler encountered one or more errors while trying to compile the shader:

Unknown argument: '-Werror'.

Make sure to only be using supported features by checking the README file in the ComputeSharp repository:
If you're sure that your C# shader code is valid, please open an issue an include a working repro and this error message.
Arborescence des appels de procédure :
à ComputeSharp.Shaders.Translation.ShaderCompiler.ThrowHslsCompilationException(IDxcOperationResult* dxcOperationResult) dans //src/ComputeSharp.Dynamic/Shaders/Translation/ShaderCompiler.cs :ligne 171
à ComputeSharp.Shaders.Translation.ShaderCompiler.Compile(ReadOnlySpan1 source) dans /_/src/ComputeSharp.Dynamic/Shaders/Translation/ShaderCompiler.cs :ligne 138 à ComputeSharp.__Internals.ShaderCompiler.LoadDynamicBytecode[TLoader,T](TLoader& loader, Int32 threadsX, Int32 threadsY, Int32 threadsZ, T& shader) dans /_/src/ComputeSharp.Dynamic/Shaders/Translation/__Internals/ShaderCompiler.cs :ligne 37 à[TLoader](TLoader& loader, Int32 threadsX, Int32 threadsY, Int32 threadsZ) dans C:\SVN\Outils_Labo\Trunk\STIL_Imaging\ComputeSharp.SourceGenerators\ComputeSharp.SourceGenerators.IShaderGenerator\STIL_Imaging.GpuFonctions+Scaling.LoadBytecode.g.cs :ligne 15 à ComputeSharp.Shaders.Loading.PipelineDataLoader1.LoadShader(Int32 threadsX, Int32 threadsY, Int32 threadsZ, T& shader, ICachedShader& shaderData) dans /
/src/ComputeSharp/Shaders/Loading/PipelineDataLoader{T}.cs :ligne 76
à ComputeSharp.Shaders.Loading.PipelineDataLoader`1.GetPipelineData(GraphicsDevice device, Int32 threadsX, Int32 threadsY, Int32 threadsZ, T& shader) dans //src/ComputeSharp/Shaders/Loading/PipelineDataLoader{T}.cs :ligne 48
à ComputeSharp.ComputeContext.Run[T](Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 z, Int32 threadsX, Int32 threadsY, Int32 threadsZ, T& shader) dans /
/src/ComputeSharp/Shaders/ComputeContext.cs :ligne 198
à ComputeSharp.GraphicsDeviceExtensions.For[T](GraphicsDevice device, Int32 x, T& shader) dans /_/src/ComputeSharp/Graphics/Extensions/GraphicsDeviceExtensions.Dispatching.cs :ligne 24
à STIL_Imaging.Fonctions.GPUScale16Grayto32Bpp(Bitmap& src, Bitmap& dest, Int32 pixel_type) dans C:\SVN\Outils_Labo\Trunk\STIL_Imaging\GpuBased.cs :ligne 45

I tried different things, but nothing worked so far, and I get the same exception.

I am on VS2022, I updated my projects to sdk style projects, I target .NetFramework 4.8 (due to other old library).
I used Nuget to get the packages ComputeSharp, ComputeSharp.Core, ComputeSharp.Dynamic and ComputeSharp.Pix in version 2.1
The graphic card is a GTX 1050, which seems to be well found.

I am wondering if I may have mixed functions not compatible between version 2.1 and examples of version 3 ?
Or do I miss something obvious ?

Thank you for the feedback.



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