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[FIXED] Can connect, read folders. Cannot copy any file and alice cannot log in. #152




Thank you for your work!

I'm running the docker container on a Pi 5 running Bookworm and my client is a MacBook running Sequoia 15.2 .

I tried to follow as much as possible your reference docker-compose.yml. Below my copy.

If I try to connect as alice using password alipass, I can't connect.
I can connect as bob and as guest, and I can browse the folders, but each time I try to copy a file, the actual copy never starts and fails after a while. Both as bob and as guest. My pi user has PUID 1000 and PGID 1000.

Also, I think from the docker log that the smb log should go to /dev/stdout, but if I connect into the docker and try "tail -f /dev/stdout" I don't see anything, so I wasn't not able to debug any further. Where can I find the smb log?

Below also the entire log, but this is an extract about Alice.

smb  | >> ACCOUNT: adding account: alice with UID: 1000
smb  | Could not find user alice and no add script defined
smb  | Failed to add entry for user alice.
smb  | passwd: unknown user alice
smb  | Failed to find entry for user alice.
smb  | Failed to find user alice in passdb backend.
smb  | >> ACCOUNT: adding account: alice to group: family
smb  | addgroup: unknown user alice
    build: .
    container_name: smb

# docker-compose.yml example for

    restart: always
    # note that this network_mode makes it super easy (especially for zeroconf) but is not as safe as exposing ports directly
    # more about that here:
    network_mode: host
    # uncomment to solve bug: - wsdd2 only - not needed for samba
    #  - CAP_NET_ADMIN
      # uncomment to enable fail fast (currently only fails fast if there are conflicts/errors during user/group creation)
      #FAIL_FAST: 1

      MODEL: 'TimeCapsule'
      AVAHI_NAME: StorageServer


      # uncomment to disable optional services
      #WSDD2_DISABLE: 1

      GROUP_family: 1000

      ACCOUNT_alice: alipass
      UID_alice: 1000
      GROUPS_alice: family

      ACCOUNT_bob: bobpass
      UID_bob: 1001
      GROUPS_bob: family

      # example for hashed password (user: foo | password: bar) - generated using script.
      ACCOUNT_foo: "foo:1000:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:86C156FC198B358CCCF6278D8BD49B6A:[U          ]:LCT-61B0859A:"
      # example for password hashes in the list format:
      # - "ACCOUNT_foo=foo:1000:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:8846F7EAEE8FB117AD06BDD830B7586C:[U          ]:LCT-5FE1F7DF:"
      UID_foo: 1002
      GROUPS_foo: family

      SAMBA_VOLUME_CONFIG_shared_home: "[Home]; path=/shares/homes/%U; valid users = alice, bob, foo; guest ok = no; read only = no; browseable = yes"

      SAMBA_VOLUME_CONFIG_aliceonly: "[Alice Share]; path=/shares/alice; valid users = alice; guest ok = no; read only = no; browseable = yes"
      SAMBA_VOLUME_CONFIG_alicehidden: "[Alice Hidden Share]; path=/shares/alice-hidden; valid users = alice; guest ok = no; read only = no; browseable = no"

      SAMBA_VOLUME_CONFIG_bobonly: "[Bob Share]; path=/shares/bob; valid users = bob; guest ok = no; read only = no; browseable = yes"

      SAMBA_VOLUME_CONFIG_public: "[Public]; path=/shares/public; valid users = alice, bob, foo; guest ok = no; read only = no; browseable = yes; force group = family"
      SAMBA_VOLUME_CONFIG_public_ro: "[Public ReadOnly]; path=/shares/public; guest ok = yes; read only = yes; browseable = yes; force group = family"

      SAMBA_VOLUME_CONFIG_timemachine: "[TimeMachine]; path=/shares/timemachine/%U; valid users = alice, bob, foo; guest ok = no; read only = no; browseable = yes; fruit:time machine = yes; fruit:time machine max size = 500G"

      SAMBA_VOLUME_CONFIG_guestmultilineexample: |
        [Guest Share]
         path = /shares/guest
         guest ok = yes
         browseable = yes

      - /etc/avahi/services/:/external/avahi

      # avoid loops when mounting folders to /shares (I'd recommend explicit mapping for each share)
      - /home/pi:/shares/Alice
      - ./shares/alice-hidden:/shares/alice-hidden
      - ./shares/bob:/shares/bob
      - /home/pi/downloads:/shares/public
      - ./shares/homes:/shares/homes
      - ./shares/timemachine:/shares/timemachine
Fetching logs for the service: smb
smb  | ################################################################################
smb  |
smb  | Welcome to the
smb  |
smb  | ################################################################################
smb  |
smb  | You'll find this container sourcecode here:
smb  |
smb  |
smb  |
smb  | The container repository will be updated regularly.
smb  |
smb  | ################################################################################
smb  |
smb  |
smb  | mkdir: can't create directory '/var/run/samba': File exists
smb  | >> CONTAINER: starting initialisation
smb  | >> SAMBA CONFIG: no $SAMBA_CONF_SERVER_STRING set, using 'Samba Server'
smb  | >> SAMBA CONFIG: no $SAMBA_CONF_MAP_TO_GUEST set, using 'Bad User'
smb  | >> GROUP: adding group family with GID: 1000
smb  | >> ACCOUNT: adding account: bob with UID: 1001
smb  | No builtin backend found, trying to load plugin
smb  | load_module_absolute_path: Module '/usr/lib/samba/pdb/' loaded
smb  | startsmbfilepwent_internal: file /var/lib/samba/private/smbpasswd did not exist. File successfully created.
smb  | startsmbfilepwent: file /var/lib/samba/private/smbpasswd has invalid permissions 0644 should be 0600.
smb  | Forcing Primary Group to 'Domain Users' for bob
smb  | tdb(/var/lib/samba/account_policy.tdb): tdb_open_ex: could not open file /var/lib/samba/account_policy.tdb: No such file or directory
smb  | Could not open tdb: No such file or directory
smb  | account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 1 (min password length), returning 0
smb  | account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 2 (password history), returning 0
smb  | account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 3 (user must logon to change password), returning 0
smb  | account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 4 (maximum password age), returning 0
smb  | account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 5 (minimum password age), returning 0
smb  | account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 6 (lockout duration), returning 0
smb  | account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 7 (reset count minutes), returning 0
smb  | account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 8 (bad lockout attempt), returning 0
smb  | account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 9 (disconnect time), returning 0
smb  | account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32_t failed for type 10 (refuse machine password change), returning 0
smb  | Added user bob.
smb  | Changing password for bob
smb  | New password:
smb  | Bad password: similar to username
smb  | Retype password:
smb  | passwd: password for bob changed by root
smb  | No builtin backend found, trying to load plugin
smb  | load_module_absolute_path: Module '/usr/lib/samba/pdb/' loaded
smb  | New SMB password:
smb  | Forcing Primary Group to 'Domain Users' for bob
smb  | Retype new SMB password:
smb  | No builtin backend found, trying to load plugin
smb  | load_module_absolute_path: Module '/usr/lib/samba/pdb/' loaded
smb  | Forcing Primary Group to 'Domain Users' for bob
smb  | Forcing Primary Group to 'Domain Users' for bob
smb  | Enabled user bob.
smb  | >> ACCOUNT: adding account: alice with UID: 1000
smb  | adduser: uid '1000' in use
smb  | No builtin backend found, trying to load plugin
smb  | load_module_absolute_path: Module '/usr/lib/samba/pdb/' loaded
smb  | Could not find user alice and no add script defined
smb  | Failed to add entry for user alice.
smb  | passwd: unknown user alice
smb  | No builtin backend found, trying to load plugin
smb  | load_module_absolute_path: Module '/usr/lib/samba/pdb/' loaded
smb  | New SMB password:
smb  | Failed to find entry for user alice.
smb  | Retype new SMB password:
smb  | No builtin backend found, trying to load plugin
smb  | load_module_absolute_path: Module '/usr/lib/samba/pdb/' loaded
smb  | Failed to find user alice in passdb backend.
smb  | >> ACCOUNT: adding account: foo with UID: 1002
smb  | No builtin backend found, trying to load plugin
smb  | load_module_absolute_path: Module '/usr/lib/samba/pdb/' loaded
smb  | Forcing Primary Group to 'Domain Users' for foo
smb  | Added user foo.
smb  | >> ACCOUNT: found SMB Password HASH instead of plain-text password
smb  | No builtin backend found, trying to load plugin
smb  | load_module_absolute_path: Module '/usr/lib/samba/pdb/' loaded
smb  | Forcing Primary Group to 'Domain Users' for foo
smb  | Forcing Primary Group to 'Domain Users' for foo
smb  | Enabled user foo.
smb  | >> ACCOUNT: adding account: bob to group: family
smb  | >> ACCOUNT: adding account: alice to group: family
smb  | addgroup: unknown user alice
smb  | >> ACCOUNT: adding account: foo to group: family
smb  |   >> AVAHI: zeroconf model: TimeCapsule
smb  | >> VOLUME: adding volume: Public (path=/shares/public)
smb  | >> VOLUME: adding volume: Bob Share (path=/shares/bob)
smb  | >> VOLUME: adding volume: Guest Share (path=/shares/guest)
smb  | >> VOLUME: adding volume: Home (path=/shares/homes/%U)
smb  |   >> multiuser volume - /shares/homes/%U
smb  | >> VOLUME: adding volume: Public ReadOnly (path=/shares/public)
smb  | >> VOLUME: adding volume: Alice Share (path=/shares/alice)
smb  | >> VOLUME: adding volume: TimeMachine (path=/shares/timemachine/%U)
smb  |   >> TIMEMACHINE: adding volume to zeroconf: TimeMachine
smb  |   >> TIMEMACHINE: adding samba timemachine specifics to volume config: TimeMachine (/shares/timemachine/%U)
smb  |   >> multiuser volume - /shares/timemachine/%U
smb  | >> VOLUME: adding volume: Alice Hidden Share (path=/shares/alice-hidden)
smb  | >> ZEROCONF: custom avahi samba.service name: StorageServer
smb  | >> ZEROCONF: custom avahi avahi-daemon.conf host-name: StorageServer
smb  | >> ZEROCONF: samba.service file
smb  | ############################### START ####################################
smb  | <?xml version="1.0" standalone='no'?>
smb  | <!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd">
smb  | <service-group>
smb  |  <name replace-wildcards="yes">StorageServer</name>
smb  |  <service>
smb  |    <type>_smb._tcp</type>
smb  |    <port>445</port>
smb  |  </service>
smb  |
smb  |  <service>
smb  |   <type>_device-info._tcp</type>
smb  |   <port>0</port>
smb  |   <txt-record>model=TimeCapsule</txt-record>
smb  |  </service>
smb  |
smb  |  <service>
smb  |   <type>_adisk._tcp</type>
smb  |   <txt-record>sys=waMa=0,adVF=0x100</txt-record>
smb  |   <txt-record>dk0=adVN=TimeMachine,adVF=0x82</txt-record>
smb  |  </service>
smb  | </service-group>
smb  | ################################ END #####################################
smb  | >> EXTERNAL AVAHI: found external avahi, now maintaining avahi service file 'samba.service'
smb  | >> EXTERNAL AVAHI: internal avahi gets disabled
smb  | >> EXTERNAL AVAHI: list of services
smb  | -rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root           521 Jan 22 20:46 /external/avahi/samba.service
smb  |
smb  | >> SAMBA: check smb.conf file using 'testparm -s'
smb  | ############################### START ####################################
smb  | Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
smb  | Loaded services file OK.
smb  | Weak crypto is allowed by GnuTLS (e.g. NTLM as a compatibility fallback)
smb  |
smb  | Server role: ROLE_STANDALONE
smb  |
smb  | # Global parameters
smb  | [global]
smb  | 	dns proxy = No
smb  | 	load printers = No
smb  | 	log file = /dev/stdout
smb  | 	map to guest = Bad User
smb  | 	obey pam restrictions = Yes
smb  | 	passdb backend = smbpasswd
smb  | 	printcap name = /dev/null
smb  | 	security = USER
smb  | 	server role = standalone server
smb  | 	server string = Samba Server
smb  | 	smb1 unix extensions = No
smb  | 	fruit:aapl = yes
smb  | 	fruit:model = TimeCapsule
smb  | 	idmap config * : backend = tdb
smb  | 	acl allow execute always = Yes
smb  | 	mangled names = no
smb  | 	vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr
smb  | 	wide links = Yes
smb  |
smb  |
smb  | [Public]
smb  | 	force group = family
smb  | 	path = /shares/public
smb  | 	read only = No
smb  | 	valid users = alice bob foo
smb  |
smb  |
smb  | [Bob Share]
smb  | 	path = /shares/bob
smb  | 	read only = No
smb  | 	valid users = bob
smb  |
smb  |
smb  | [Guest Share]
smb  | 	guest ok = Yes
smb  | 	path = /shares/guest
smb  |
smb  |
smb  | [Home]
smb  | 	path = /shares/homes/%U
smb  | 	read only = No
smb  | 	root preexec = /container/scripts/ /shares/homes %U
smb  | 	valid users = alice bob foo
smb  |
smb  |
smb  | [Public ReadOnly]
smb  | 	force group = family
smb  | 	guest ok = Yes
smb  | 	path = /shares/public
smb  |
smb  |
smb  | [Alice Share]
smb  | 	path = /shares/alice
smb  | 	read only = No
smb  | 	valid users = alice
smb  |
smb  |
smb  | [TimeMachine]
smb  | 	inherit acls = Yes
smb  | 	path = /shares/timemachine/%U
smb  | 	posix locking = No
smb  | 	read only = No
smb  | 	root preexec = /container/scripts/ /shares/timemachine %U
smb  | 	valid users = alice bob foo
smb  | 	fruit:metadata = stream
smb  | 	fruit:time machine max size = 500G
smb  | 	fruit:time machine = yes
smb  |
smb  |
smb  | [Alice Hidden Share]
smb  | 	browseable = No
smb  | 	path = /shares/alice-hidden
smb  | 	read only = No
smb  | 	valid users = alice
smb  | ############################### END ####################################
smb  |
smb  |
smb  | >> SAMBA: print whole smb.conf
smb  | ############################### START ####################################
smb  | [global]
smb  |    server role = standalone server
smb  |    log file = /dev/stdout
smb  |    dns proxy = no
smb  |
smb  |    # password stuff
smb  |    passdb backend = smbpasswd
smb  |
smb  |    obey pam restrictions = yes
smb  |    security = user
smb  |    printcap name = /dev/null
smb  |    load printers = no
smb  |    dns proxy = no
smb  |    wide links = yes
smb  |    follow symlinks = yes
smb  |    unix extensions = no
smb  |    acl allow execute always = yes
smb  |
smb  |    # MacOS Compatibility options
smb  |    vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr
smb  |
smb  |    # Special configuration for Apple's Time Machine
smb  |    fruit:model = TimeCapsule
smb  |    fruit:aapl = yes
smb  |
smb  |    # fix filenames with special chars (should be default)
smb  |    mangled names = no
smb  |    dos charset = CP850
smb  |    unix charset = UTF-8
smb  |
smb  |    # Docker Envs global config options
smb  |    log level = 3
smb  |    workgroup = WORKGROUP
smb  |    server string = Samba Server
smb  |    map to guest = Bad User
smb  |
smb  | [Public]
smb  |  path=/shares/public
smb  |  valid users = alice, bob, foo
smb  |  guest ok = no
smb  |  read only = no
smb  |  browseable = yes
smb  |  force group = family
smb  |
smb  | [Bob Share]
smb  |  path=/shares/bob
smb  |  valid users = bob
smb  |  guest ok = no
smb  |  read only = no
smb  |  browseable = yes
smb  |
smb  | [Guest Share]
smb  |  path = /shares/guest
smb  |  guest ok = yes
smb  |  browseable = yes
smb  |
smb  |
smb  | [Home]
smb  |  path=/shares/homes/%U
smb  |  valid users = alice, bob, foo
smb  |  guest ok = no
smb  |  read only = no
smb  |  browseable = yes
smb  |  root preexec = /container/scripts/ /shares/homes %U
smb  |
smb  | [Public ReadOnly]
smb  |  path=/shares/public
smb  |  guest ok = yes
smb  |  read only = yes
smb  |  browseable = yes
smb  |  force group = family
smb  |
smb  | [Alice Share]
smb  |  path=/shares/alice
smb  |  valid users = alice
smb  |  guest ok = no
smb  |  read only = no
smb  |  browseable = yes
smb  |
smb  | [TimeMachine]
smb  |  path=/shares/timemachine/%U
smb  |  valid users = alice, bob, foo
smb  |  guest ok = no
smb  |  read only = no
smb  |  browseable = yes
smb  |  fruit:time machine = yes
smb  |  fruit:time machine max size = 500G
smb  |  fruit:metadata = stream
smb  |  durable handles = yes
smb  |  kernel oplocks = no
smb  |  kernel share modes = no
smb  |  posix locking = no
smb  |  ea support = yes
smb  |  inherit acls = yes
smb  |
smb  |  root preexec = /container/scripts/ /shares/timemachine %U
smb  |
smb  | [Alice Hidden Share]
smb  |  path=/shares/alice-hidden
smb  |  valid users = alice
smb  |  guest ok = no
smb  |  read only = no
smb  |  browseable = no
smb  |
smb  | ############################### END ####################################
smb  |
smb  | >> CMD: exec docker CMD
smb  | runsvdir -P /container/config/runit
smb  | + + sleepsleep 10 6
smb  |
smb  | + sleep 2
smb  | + exec smbd --foreground
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.341851,  0] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:1746(main)
smb  |   smbd version 4.20.6 started.
smb  |   Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2024
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.341893,  2] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:1750(main)
smb  |   uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 egid=0
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.342222,  2] ../../source3/lib/dmallocmsg.c:78(register_dmalloc_msgs)
smb  |   Registered MSG_REQ_DMALLOC_MARK and LOG_CHANGED
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.342270,  3] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:3982(lp_load_ex)
smb  |   lp_load_ex: refreshing parameters
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.342331,  3] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:560(loadparm_s3_init_globals)
smb  |   Initialising global parameters
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.342408,  3] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2884(lp_do_section)
smb  |   Processing section "[global]"
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.342501,  2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2901(lp_do_section)
smb  |   Processing section "[Public]"
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.342544,  2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2901(lp_do_section)
smb  |   Processing section "[Bob Share]"
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.342577,  2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2901(lp_do_section)
smb  |   Processing section "[Guest Share]"
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.342598,  2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2901(lp_do_section)
smb  |   Processing section "[Home]"
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.342634,  2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2901(lp_do_section)
smb  |   Processing section "[Public ReadOnly]"
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.342661,  2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2901(lp_do_section)
smb  |   Processing section "[Alice Share]"
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.342691,  2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2901(lp_do_section)
smb  |   Processing section "[TimeMachine]"
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.342760,  2] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:2901(lp_do_section)
smb  |   Processing section "[Alice Hidden Share]"
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.342812,  3] ../../source3/param/loadparm.c:1686(lp_add_ipc)
smb  |   adding IPC service
smb  |   added interface docker0 ip= bcast= netmask=
smb  |   added interface br-a39933740164 ip= bcast= netmask=
smb  |   added interface wlan0 ip= bcast= netmask=
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.343134,  3] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:1814(main)
smb  |   loaded services
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.343182,  3] ../../source3/profile/profile_dummy.c:30(set_profile_level)
smb  |   set_profile_level: INFO: Profiling support unavailable in this build.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.343192,  3] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:1833(main)
smb  |   Standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.343196,  3] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:1846(main)
smb  |   Becoming a daemon.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.343452,  2] ../../source3/passdb/pdb_interface.c:163(make_pdb_method_name)
smb  |   No builtin backend found, trying to load plugin
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.343666,  3] ../../lib/util/modules.c:167(load_module_absolute_path)
smb  |   load_module_absolute_path: Module '/usr/lib/samba/pdb/' loaded
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.347398,  3] ../../source3/lib/util_procid.c:53(pid_to_procid)
smb  |   pid_to_procid: messaging_dgm_get_unique failed: No such file or directory
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.349146,  2] ../../lib/tdb_wrap/tdb_wrap.c:65(tdb_wrap_log)
smb  |   tdb(/var/lib/samba/registry.tdb): tdb_open_ex: could not open file /var/lib/samba/registry.tdb: No such file or directory
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.349167,  3] ../../lib/dbwrap/dbwrap_tdb.c:484(db_open_tdb)
smb  |   Could not open tdb: No such file or directory
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.387070,  3] ../../source3/auth/token_util.c:707(finalize_local_nt_token)
smb  |   Failed to fetch domain sid for WORKGROUP
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:57.388576,  2] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:1371(smbd_parent_loop)
smb  |   waiting for connections
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:46:59.220119,  3] ../../lib/util/access.c:372(allow_access)
smb  |   Allowed connection from (
smb  | + exec nmbd --foreground
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.353232,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd.c:942(main)
smb  |   main: standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.353250,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd.c:947(main)
smb  |   main: Becoming a daemon.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.353565,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd.c:1030(main)
smb  |   main: Opening sockets 137
smb  |   added interface docker0 ip= bcast= netmask=
smb  |   added interface br-a39933740164 ip= bcast= netmask=
smb  |   added interface wlan0 ip= bcast= netmask=
smb  |   making subnet name: Broadcast address: Subnet mask:
smb  |   making subnet name: Broadcast address: Subnet mask:
smb  |   making subnet name: Broadcast address: Subnet mask:
smb  |   making subnet name:UNICAST_SUBNET Broadcast address: Subnet mask:
smb  |   making subnet name:REMOTE_BROADCAST_SUBNET Broadcast address: Subnet mask:
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354128,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_lmhosts.c:42(load_lmhosts_file)
smb  |   load_lmhosts_file: Can't open lmhosts file /etc/samba/lmhosts. Error was No such file or directory
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354137,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd.c:1051(main)
smb  |   main: Loaded hosts file /etc/samba/lmhosts
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354157,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name *<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354173,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name *<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354183,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __SAMBA__<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354194,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __SAMBA__<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354323,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_serverlistdb.c:134(create_server_on_workgroup)
smb  |   create_server_on_workgroup: Created server entry PI of type 40819a03 (Samba Server) on workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354336,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:261(initiate_myworkgroup_startup)
smb  |   initiate_myworkgroup_startup: Added server name entry PI on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354346,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name *<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354357,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name *<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354367,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __SAMBA__<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354377,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __SAMBA__<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354492,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_serverlistdb.c:134(create_server_on_workgroup)
smb  |   create_server_on_workgroup: Created server entry PI of type 40819a03 (Samba Server) on workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354502,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:261(initiate_myworkgroup_startup)
smb  |   initiate_myworkgroup_startup: Added server name entry PI on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354511,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name *<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354522,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name *<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354532,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __SAMBA__<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354543,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __SAMBA__<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354634,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_serverlistdb.c:134(create_server_on_workgroup)
smb  |   create_server_on_workgroup: Created server entry PI of type 40819a03 (Samba Server) on workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354643,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:261(initiate_myworkgroup_startup)
smb  |   initiate_myworkgroup_startup: Added server name entry PI on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354651,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name *<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354662,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name *<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354672,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __SAMBA__<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354682,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __SAMBA__<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354694,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name PI<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354705,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name PI<03> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354716,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name PI<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354732,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354743,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<1e> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354757,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name *<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet REMOTE_BROADCAST_SUBNET
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354767,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name *<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet REMOTE_BROADCAST_SUBNET
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354778,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __SAMBA__<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet REMOTE_BROADCAST_SUBNET
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354788,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name __SAMBA__<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet REMOTE_BROADCAST_SUBNET
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.354981,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_sendannounce.c:212(send_host_announcement)
smb  |   send_host_announcement: send_host_announcement: type 819a03 for host PI on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.355028,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_sendannounce.c:212(send_host_announcement)
smb  |   send_host_announcement: send_host_announcement: type 819a03 for host PI on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:01.355068,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_sendannounce.c:212(send_host_announcement)
smb  |   send_host_announcement: send_host_announcement: type 819a03 for host PI on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP
smb  | + exec /usr/sbin/wsdd2
smb  | cannot read additional dns hostnames from testparm
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363232,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name PI<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363259,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name PI<03> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363269,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name PI<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363277,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363286,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<1e> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363294,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:111(check_for_master_browser_fail)
smb  |   check_for_master_browser_fail: Forcing election on workgroup WORKGROUP subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363300,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name PI<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363309,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name PI<03> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363316,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name PI<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363324,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363331,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<1e> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363340,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:111(check_for_master_browser_fail)
smb  |   check_for_master_browser_fail: Forcing election on workgroup WORKGROUP subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363346,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name PI<20> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363353,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name PI<03> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363362,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name PI<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags= 0 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363369,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<00> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363376,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:257(add_name_to_subnet)
smb  |   add_name_to_subnet: Added netbios name WORKGROUP<1e> with first IP ttl=0 nb_flags=80 to subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363383,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:111(check_for_master_browser_fail)
smb  |   check_for_master_browser_fail: Forcing election on workgroup WORKGROUP subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363392,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:361(check_elections)
smb  |   check_elections: >>> Starting election for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet <<<
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363396,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:361(check_elections)
smb  |   check_elections: >>> Starting election for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet <<<
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:05.363400,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:361(check_elections)
smb  |   check_elections: >>> Starting election for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet <<<
smb  | cannot read netbios aliases from testparm
smb  | starting.
smb  | open_ep: SO_RCVBUFFORCE: Operation not permitted
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:07.366048,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_serverlistdb.c:414(write_browse_list)
smb  |   write_browse_list: Wrote browse list into file /var/cache/samba/browse.dat
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:08.367164,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:41(send_election_dgram)
smb  |   send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:08.367252,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:41(send_election_dgram)
smb  |   send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:08.367303,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:41(send_election_dgram)
smb  |   send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:08.537724,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:275(process_election)
smb  |   process_election: Election request from LINUXVM at IP on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:08.537750,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:309(process_election)
smb  |   process_election: >>> Lost election for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet <<<
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:08.537837,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:275(process_election)
smb  |   process_election: Election request from LINUXVM at IP on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:08.539794,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:275(process_election)
smb  |   process_election: Election request from ARCHER_VR1210V at IP on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:08.539849,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:275(process_election)
smb  |   process_election: Election request from ARCHER_VR1210V at IP on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:10.541842,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:41(send_election_dgram)
smb  |   send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:10.541940,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:41(send_election_dgram)
smb  |   send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:11.609797,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:275(process_election)
smb  |   process_election: Election request from ARCHER_VR1210V at IP on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:11.609831,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:41(send_election_dgram)
smb  |   send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:11.609883,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:41(send_election_dgram)
smb  |   send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:11.610157,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:275(process_election)
smb  |   process_election: Election request from ARCHER_VR1210V at IP on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:13.657804,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:275(process_election)
smb  |   process_election: Election request from ARCHER_VR1210V at IP on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:13.657836,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:41(send_election_dgram)
smb  |   send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:13.657894,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:41(send_election_dgram)
smb  |   send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:13.658154,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:275(process_election)
smb  |   process_election: Election request from ARCHER_VR1210V at IP on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:15.600846,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:275(process_election)
smb  |   process_election: Election request from ARCHER_VR1210V at IP on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:15.600966,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:275(process_election)
smb  |   process_election: Election request from ARCHER_VR1210V at IP on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:15.600983,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:41(send_election_dgram)
smb  |   send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:15.601050,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:201(run_elections)
smb  |   run_elections: >>> Won election for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet <<<
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:15.601328,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_become_lmb.c:529(become_local_master_browser)
smb  |   become_local_master_browser: become_local_master_browser: Starting to become a master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:15.601417,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_become_lmb.c:532(become_local_master_browser)
smb  |   become_local_master_browser: become_local_master_browser: first stage - attempt to register ^1^2__MSBROWSE__^2^1
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:15.601498,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:41(send_election_dgram)
smb  |   send_election_dgram: Sending election packet for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:15.601552,  2] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:201(run_elections)
smb  |   run_elections: >>> Won election for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet <<<
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:15.601563,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_become_lmb.c:529(become_local_master_browser)
smb  |   become_local_master_browser: become_local_master_browser: Starting to become a master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:15.601571,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_become_lmb.c:532(become_local_master_browser)
smb  |   become_local_master_browser: become_local_master_browser: first stage - attempt to register ^1^2__MSBROWSE__^2^1
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:17.604503,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_serverlistdb.c:414(write_browse_list)
smb  |   write_browse_list: Wrote browse list into file /var/cache/samba/browse.dat
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:17.651415,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:275(process_election)
smb  |   process_election: Election request from ARCHER_VR1210V at IP on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP.
smb  | [2025/01/22 20:47:17.651497,  3] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_elections.c:275(process_election)
smb  |   process_election: Election request from ARCHER_VR1210V at IP on subnet for workgroup WORKGROUP.


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