Summary report returns the aggregated time entries data.
In addition to the standard request parameters, summaries accept the following additional parameters:
(boolean) - whether returned items will contain 'ids' key containing comma separated group item ID valuesgrouped_time_entry_ids
(boolean) - whether returned items will contain 'time_entry_ids' key containing comma separated time entries ID values for given item
Use the grouping and subgrouping params to organize the data as needed. By default grouping:projects
and subgrouping:time_entries
Following groupings with subgroupings are available in the summary report
- projects
- time_entries
- tasks
- users
- clients
- time_entries
- tasks
- projects
- users
- users
- time_entries
- tasks
- projects
- clients
The response will include the standard response parameters.
General structure of the item in the data array
- id: the id of the grouping object
- title: description of the item, this is an object depending of the grouping as follows:
{project: "Project name", client: "Client name"}
if the grouping is projects{client: "Client name"}
if the grouping is clients{user: "User's name"}
if the grouping is users
- items: array of subgrouping items
- title: title of the subgrouping item, an object depending of the grouping as follows
{project: "Project name", client: "Client name"}
if the grouping is projects{client: "Client name"}
if the subgrouping is clients{user: "User's name"}
if the subgrouping is users{task: "Task name"}
if the subgrouping is tasks{time_entry: "Time entry description"}
if the subgrouping is time_entries
- time: time in milliseconds spent on the subgrouping object
- cur: currency of the subgrouping
- sum: total amount of the subgrouping
- rate: hourly rate that is used for calculating the subgrouping amount
- title: title of the subgrouping item, an object depending of the grouping as follows
When grouped by project the title part of the return will contain color and color_hex fields. First one contains the color id (returned also by APIv8), second one will return the corresponding HEX value. (Please note: color return is a subject of change).
Example request
curl -v -u 1971800d4d82861d8f2c1651fea4d212:api_token -X GET ""
Successful response
"data": [
"title":{"project":"Toggl Desktop","client":"Toggl"},
"title":{"time_entry":"Implementing some important things"},
"title":{"project":"Toggl Development","client":null},
"title":{"time_entry":"Hard work"},
"title":{"time_entry":"No title yet"},
"title":{"time_entry":"Did nothing"},
"title":{"time_entry":"Hard work again"},