if the Template objects are equal. This method
- # does NOT normalize either Template before doing the comparison.
- #
- # @param template [Object] The Template to compare.
- # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] true
if the Templates are equivalent, false
- # otherwise.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#274
- def ==(template); end
- # Returns true
if the Template objects are equal. This method
- # does NOT normalize either Template before doing the comparison.
- # Addressable::Template makes no distinction between `==` and `eql?`.
- #
- # @param template [Object] The Template to compare.
- # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] true
if the Templates are equivalent, false
- # otherwise.
- # @see #==
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#274
- def eql?(template); end
- # Expands a URI template into a full URI.
- #
- # The object should respond to either the validate or
- # transform messages or both. Both the validate and
- # transform methods should take two parameters: name and
- # value. The validate method should return true
- # or false; true if the value of the variable is valid,
- # false otherwise. An InvalidTemplateValueError
- # exception will be raised if the value is invalid. The transform
- # method should return the transformed variable value as a String.
- # If a transform method is used, the value will not be percent
- # encoded automatically. Unicode normalization will be performed both
- # before and after sending the value to the transform method.
- #
- # @example
- # class ExampleProcessor
- # def self.validate(name, value)
- # return !!(value =~ /^[\w ]+$/) if name == "query"
- # return true
- # end
- #
- # def self.transform(name, value)
- # return value.gsub(/ /, "+") if name == "query"
- # return value
- # end
- # end
- #
- #
- # "{query}/"
- # ).expand(
- # {"query" => "an example search query"},
- # ExampleProcessor
- # ).to_str
- # #=> ""
- #
- #
- # "{query}/"
- # ).expand(
- # {"query" => "an example search query"}
- # ).to_str
- # #=> ""
- #
- #
- # "{query}/"
- # ).expand(
- # {"query" => "bogus!"},
- # ExampleProcessor
- # ).to_str
- # #=> Addressable::Template::InvalidTemplateValueError
- # @param mapping [Hash] The mapping that corresponds to the pattern.
- # @param processor [#validate, #transform] An optional processor object may be supplied.
- # @param normalize_values [Boolean] Optional flag to enable/disable unicode normalization. Default: true
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The expanded URI template.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#591
- def expand(mapping, processor = T.unsafe(nil), normalize_values = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Extracts a mapping from the URI using a URI Template pattern.
- #
- # @example
- # class ExampleProcessor
- # def self.restore(name, value)
- # return value.gsub(/\+/, " ") if name == "query"
- # return value
- # end
- #
- # def self.match(name)
- # return ".*?" if name == "first"
- # return ".*"
- # end
- # end
- #
- # uri = Addressable::URI.parse(
- # ""
- # )
- #
- # "{query}/"
- # ).extract(uri, ExampleProcessor)
- # #=> {"query" => "an example search query"}
- #
- # uri = Addressable::URI.parse("")
- #
- # "{first}/{second}/"
- # ).extract(uri, ExampleProcessor)
- # #=> {"first" => "a", "second" => "b/c"}
- #
- # uri = Addressable::URI.parse("")
- #
- # "{first}/{-list|/|second}/"
- # ).extract(uri)
- # #=> {"first" => "a", "second" => ["b", "c"]}
- # @param uri [Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI to extract from.
- # @param processor [#restore, #match] A template processor object may optionally be supplied.
- #
- # The object should respond to either the restore or
- # match messages or both. The restore method should
- # take two parameters: `[String] name` and `[String] value`.
- # The restore method should reverse any transformations that
- # have been performed on the value to ensure a valid URI.
- # The match method should take a single
- # parameter: `[String] name`. The match method should return
- # a String containing a regular expression capture group for
- # matching on that particular variable. The default value is `".*?"`.
- # The match method has no effect on multivariate operator
- # expansions.
- # @return [Hash, NilClass] The Hash mapping that was extracted from the URI, or
- # nil if the URI didn't match the template.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#342
- def extract(uri, processor = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Freeze URI, initializing instance variables.
- #
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The frozen URI object.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#245
- def freeze; end
- # Returns a String representation of the Template object's state.
- #
- # @return [String] The Template object's state, as a String.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#260
- def inspect; end
- # Returns an Array of variables used within the template pattern.
- # The variables are listed in the Array in the order they appear within
- # the pattern. Multiple occurrences of a variable within a pattern are
- # not represented in this Array.
- #
- # @return [Array] The variables present in the template's pattern.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#607
- def keys; end
- # Extracts match data from the URI using a URI Template pattern.
- #
- # @example
- # class ExampleProcessor
- # def self.restore(name, value)
- # return value.gsub(/\+/, " ") if name == "query"
- # return value
- # end
- #
- # def self.match(name)
- # return ".*?" if name == "first"
- # return ".*"
- # end
- # end
- #
- # uri = Addressable::URI.parse(
- # ""
- # )
- # match =
- # "{query}/"
- # ).match(uri, ExampleProcessor)
- # match.variables
- # #=> ["query"]
- # match.captures
- # #=> ["an example search query"]
- #
- # uri = Addressable::URI.parse("")
- # match =
- # "{first}/{+second}/"
- # ).match(uri, ExampleProcessor)
- # match.variables
- # #=> ["first", "second"]
- # match.captures
- # #=> ["a", "b/c"]
- #
- # uri = Addressable::URI.parse("")
- # match =
- # "{first}{/second*}/"
- # ).match(uri)
- # match.variables
- # #=> ["first", "second"]
- # match.captures
- # #=> ["a", ["b", "c"]]
- # @param uri [Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI to extract from.
- # @param processor [#restore, #match] A template processor object may optionally be supplied.
- #
- # The object should respond to either the restore or
- # match messages or both. The restore method should
- # take two parameters: `[String] name` and `[String] value`.
- # The restore method should reverse any transformations that
- # have been performed on the value to ensure a valid URI.
- # The match method should take a single
- # parameter: `[String] name`. The match method should return
- # a String containing a regular expression capture group for
- # matching on that particular variable. The default value is `".*?"`.
- # The match method has no effect on multivariate operator
- # expansions.
- # @return [Hash, NilClass] The Hash mapping that was extracted from the URI, or
- # nil if the URI didn't match the template.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#413
- def match(uri, processor = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the named captures of the coerced `Regexp`.
- #
- # @api private
- # @return [Hash] The named captures of the `Regexp` given by {#to_regexp}.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#651
- def named_captures; end
- # Returns an Array of variables used within the template pattern.
- # The variables are listed in the Array in the order they appear within
- # the pattern. Multiple occurrences of a variable within a pattern are
- # not represented in this Array.
- #
- # @return [Array] The variables present in the template's pattern.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#607
- def names; end
- # Expands a URI template into another URI template.
- #
- # The object should respond to either the validate or
- # transform messages or both. Both the validate and
- # transform methods should take two parameters: name and
- # value. The validate method should return true
- # or false; true if the value of the variable is valid,
- # false otherwise. An InvalidTemplateValueError
- # exception will be raised if the value is invalid. The transform
- # method should return the transformed variable value as a String.
- # If a transform method is used, the value will not be percent
- # encoded automatically. Unicode normalization will be performed both
- # before and after sending the value to the transform method.
- #
- # @example
- #
- # "{one}/{two}/"
- # ).partial_expand({"one" => "1"}).pattern
- # #=> "{two}/"
- #
- #
- # "{?one,two}/"
- # ).partial_expand({"one" => "1"}).pattern
- # #=> "{&two}/"
- #
- #
- # "{?one,two,three}/"
- # ).partial_expand({"one" => "1", "three" => 3}).pattern
- # #=> "{&two}&three=3"
- # @param mapping [Hash] The mapping that corresponds to the pattern.
- # @param processor [#validate, #transform] An optional processor object may be supplied.
- # @param normalize_values [Boolean] Optional flag to enable/disable unicode normalization. Default: true
- # @return [Addressable::Template] The partially expanded URI template.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#524
- def partial_expand(mapping, processor = T.unsafe(nil), normalize_values = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [String] The Template object's pattern.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#254
- def pattern; end
- # Returns the source of the coerced `Regexp`.
- #
- # @api private
- # @return [String] The source of the `Regexp` given by {#to_regexp}.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#641
- def source; end
- # Coerces a template into a `Regexp` object. This regular expression will
- # behave very similarly to the actual template, and should match the same
- # URI values, but it cannot fully handle, for example, values that would
- # extract to an `Array`.
- #
- # @return [Regexp] A regular expression which should match the template.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#630
- def to_regexp; end
- # Returns a mapping of variables to their default values specified
- # in the template. Variables without defaults are not returned.
- #
- # @return [Hash] Mapping of template variables to their defaults
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#618
- def variable_defaults; end
- # Returns an Array of variables used within the template pattern.
- # The variables are listed in the Array in the order they appear within
- # the pattern. Multiple occurrences of a variable within a pattern are
- # not represented in this Array.
- #
- # @return [Array] The variables present in the template's pattern.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#607
- def variables; end
- private
- # Takes a set of values, and joins them together based on the
- # operator.
- #
- # @param operator [String, Nil] One of the operators from the set
- # (?,&,+,#,;,/,.), or nil if there wasn't one.
- # @param return_value [Array] The set of return values (as [variable_name, value] tuples) that will
- # be joined together.
- # @return [String] The transformed mapped value
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#861
- def join_values(operator, return_value); end
- # Generates a hash with string keys
- #
- # @param mapping [Hash] A mapping hash to normalize
- # @return [Hash] A hash with stringified keys
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#924
- def normalize_keys(mapping); end
- # Takes a set of values, and joins them together based on the
- # operator.
- #
- # @param value [Hash, Array, String] Normalizes unicode keys and values with String#unicode_normalize (NFC)
- # @return [Hash, Array, String] The normalized values
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#898
- def normalize_value(value); end
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#656
- def ordered_variable_defaults; end
- # Generates the Regexp that parses a template pattern.
- #
- # @param pattern [String] The URI template pattern.
- # @param processor [#match] The template processor to use.
- # @return [Array, Regexp] An array of expansion variables nad a regular expression which may be
- # used to parse a template pattern
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#968
- def parse_new_template_pattern(pattern, processor = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Generates the Regexp that parses a template pattern. Memoizes the
- # value if template processor not set (processors may not be deterministic)
- #
- # @param pattern [String] The URI template pattern.
- # @param processor [#match] The template processor to use.
- # @return [Array, Regexp] An array of expansion variables nad a regular expression which may be
- # used to parse a template pattern
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#950
- def parse_template_pattern(pattern, processor = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Transforms a mapped value so that values can be substituted into the
- # template.
- #
- # The object should respond to either the validate or
- # transform messages or both. Both the validate and
- # transform methods should take two parameters: name and
- # value. The validate method should return true
- # or false; true if the value of the variable is valid,
- # false otherwise. An InvalidTemplateValueError exception
- # will be raised if the value is invalid. The transform method
- # should return the transformed variable value as a String. If a
- # transform method is used, the value will not be percent encoded
- # automatically. Unicode normalization will be performed both before and
- # after sending the value to the transform method.
- #
- # @param mapping [Hash] The mapping to replace captures
- # @param capture [String] The expression to replace
- # @param processor [#validate, #transform] An optional processor object may be supplied.
- # @param normalize_values [Boolean] Optional flag to enable/disable unicode normalization. Default: true
- # @return [String] The expanded expression
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#753
- def transform_capture(mapping, capture, processor = T.unsafe(nil), normalize_values = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Loops through each capture and expands any values available in mapping
- #
- # The object should respond to either the validate or
- # transform messages or both. Both the validate and
- # transform methods should take two parameters: name and
- # value. The validate method should return true
- # or false; true if the value of the variable is valid,
- # false otherwise. An InvalidTemplateValueError exception
- # will be raised if the value is invalid. The transform method
- # should return the transformed variable value as a String. If a
- # transform method is used, the value will not be percent encoded
- # automatically. Unicode normalization will be performed both before and
- # after sending the value to the transform method.
- #
- # @param mapping [Hash] Set of keys to expand
- # @param capture [String] The expression to expand
- # @param processor [#validate, #transform] An optional processor object may be supplied.
- # @param normalize_values [Boolean] Optional flag to enable/disable unicode normalization. Default: true
- # @return [String] The expanded expression
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#694
- def transform_partial_capture(mapping, capture, processor = T.unsafe(nil), normalize_values = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#58
-Addressable::Template::EXPRESSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# Raised if an invalid template operator is used in a pattern.
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#85
-class Addressable::Template::InvalidTemplateOperatorError < ::StandardError; end
-# Raised if an invalid template value is supplied.
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#80
-class Addressable::Template::InvalidTemplateValueError < ::StandardError; end
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#70
-Addressable::Template::JOINERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#62
-Addressable::Template::LEADERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# This class represents the data that is extracted when a Template
-# is matched against a URI.
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#96
-class Addressable::Template::MatchData
- # Creates a new MatchData object.
- # MatchData objects should never be instantiated directly.
- #
- # @param uri [Addressable::URI] The URI that the template was matched against.
- # @return [MatchData] a new instance of MatchData
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#103
- def initialize(uri, template, mapping); end
- # Accesses captured values by name or by index.
- #
- # @param key [String, Symbol, Fixnum] Capture index or name. Note that when accessing by with index
- # of 0, the full URI will be returned. The intention is to mimic
- # the ::MatchData#[] behavior.
- # @param len [#to_int, nil] If provided, an array of values will be returend with the given
- # parameter used as length.
- # @return [Array, String, nil] The captured value corresponding to the index or name. If the
- # value was not provided or the key is unknown, nil will be
- # returned.
- #
- # If the second parameter is provided, an array of that length will
- # be returned instead.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#170
- def [](key, len = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Array] The list of values that were captured by the Template.
- # Note that this list will include nils for any variables which
- # were in the Template, but did not appear in the URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#143
- def captures; end
- # Returns a String representation of the MatchData's state.
- #
- # @return [String] The MatchData's state, as a String.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#213
- def inspect; end
- # @return [Array] The list of variables that were present in the Template.
- # Note that this list will include variables which do not appear
- # in the mapping because they were not present in URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#132
- def keys; end
- # @return [Hash] The mapping that resulted from the match.
- # Note that this mapping does not include keys or values for
- # variables that appear in the Template, but are not present
- # in the URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#125
- def mapping; end
- # @return [Array] The list of variables that were present in the Template.
- # Note that this list will include variables which do not appear
- # in the mapping because they were not present in URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#132
- def names; end
- # Dummy method for code expecting a ::MatchData instance
- #
- # @return [String] An empty string.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#222
- def post_match; end
- # Dummy method for code expecting a ::MatchData instance
- #
- # @return [String] An empty string.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#222
- def pre_match; end
- # @return [String] The matched URI as String.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#191
- def string; end
- # @return [Addressable::Template] The Template used for the match.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#117
- def template; end
- # @return [Array] Array with the matched URI as first element followed by the captured
- # values.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#184
- def to_a; end
- # @return [String] The matched URI as String.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#191
- def to_s; end
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The URI that the Template was matched against.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#112
- def uri; end
- # @return [Array] The list of values that were captured by the Template.
- # Note that this list will include nils for any variables which
- # were in the Template, but did not appear in the URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#143
- def values; end
- # Returns multiple captured values at once.
- #
- # @param *indexes [String, Symbol, Fixnum] Indices of the captures to be returned
- # @return [Array] Values corresponding to given indices.
- # @see Addressable::Template::MatchData#[]
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#205
- def values_at(*indexes); end
- # @return [Array] The list of variables that were present in the Template.
- # Note that this list will include variables which do not appear
- # in the mapping because they were not present in URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#132
- def variables; end
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#40
-Addressable::Template::RESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Raised if an invalid template operator is used in a pattern.
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#90
-class Addressable::Template::TemplateOperatorAbortedError < ::StandardError; end
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#42
-Addressable::Template::UNRESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#54
-Addressable::Template::VARIABLE_LIST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#50
-Addressable::Template::VARNAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/template.rb#52
-Addressable::Template::VARSPEC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# This is an implementation of a URI parser based on
-# RFC 3986,
-# RFC 3987.
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#31
-class Addressable::URI
- # Creates a new uri object from component parts.
- #
- # @option [String,
- # @option [String,
- # @option [String,
- # @option [String,
- # @option [String,
- # @option [String,
- # @option [String,
- # @option [String,
- # @option [String,
- # @option [String,
- # @param [String, [Hash] a customizable set of options
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The constructed URI object.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#830
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Joins two URIs together.
- #
- # @param The [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] URI to join with.
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The joined URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1889
- def +(uri); end
- # Returns true
if the URI objects are equal. This method
- # normalizes both URIs before doing the comparison.
- #
- # @param uri [Object] The URI to compare.
- # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] true
if the URIs are equivalent, false
- # otherwise.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2239
- def ==(uri); end
- # Returns true
if the URI objects are equal. This method
- # normalizes both URIs before doing the comparison, and allows comparison
- # against Strings
- #
- # @param uri [Object] The URI to compare.
- # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] true
if the URIs are equivalent, false
- # otherwise.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2217
- def ===(uri); end
- # Determines if the URI is absolute.
- #
- # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] true
if the URI is absolute. false
- # otherwise.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1879
- def absolute?; end
- # The authority component for this URI.
- # Combines the user, password, host, and port components.
- #
- # @return [String] The authority component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1234
- def authority; end
- # Sets the authority component for this URI.
- #
- # @param new_authority [String, #to_str] The new authority component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1274
- def authority=(new_authority); end
- # The basename, if any, of the file in the path component.
- #
- # @return [String] The path's basename.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1588
- def basename; end
- # The default port for this URI's scheme.
- # This method will always returns the default port for the URI's scheme
- # regardless of the presence of an explicit port in the URI.
- #
- # @return [Integer] The default port.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1454
- def default_port; end
- # This method allows you to make several changes to a URI simultaneously,
- # which separately would cause validation errors, but in conjunction,
- # are valid. The URI will be revalidated as soon as the entire block has
- # been executed.
- #
- # @param block [Proc] A set of operations to perform on a given URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2396
- def defer_validation; end
- # Creates a URI suitable for display to users. If semantic attacks are
- # likely, the application should try to detect these and warn the user.
- # See RFC 3986,
- # section 7.6 for more information.
- #
- # @return [Addressable::URI] A URI suitable for display purposes.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2201
- def display_uri; end
- # Returns the public suffix domain for this host.
- #
- # @example
- # Addressable::URI.parse("").domain # => ""
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1225
- def domain; end
- # Clones the URI object.
- #
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The cloned URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2271
- def dup; end
- # Determines if the URI is an empty string.
- #
- # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] Returns true
if empty, false
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2333
- def empty?; end
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2406
- def encode_with(coder); end
- # Returns true
if the URI objects are equal. This method
- # does NOT normalize either URI before doing the comparison.
- #
- # @param uri [Object] The URI to compare.
- # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] true
if the URIs are equivalent, false
- # otherwise.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2253
- def eql?(uri); end
- # The extname, if any, of the file in the path component.
- # Empty string if there is no extension.
- #
- # @return [String] The path's extname.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1598
- def extname; end
- # The fragment component for this URI.
- #
- # @return [String] The fragment component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1810
- def fragment; end
- # Sets the fragment component for this URI.
- #
- # @param new_fragment [String, #to_str] The new fragment component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1835
- def fragment=(new_fragment); end
- # Freeze URI, initializing instance variables.
- #
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The frozen URI object.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#870
- def freeze; end
- # A hash value that will make a URI equivalent to its normalized
- # form.
- #
- # @return [Integer] A hash of the URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2263
- def hash; end
- # The host component for this URI.
- #
- # @return [String] The host component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1120
- def host; end
- # Sets the host component for this URI.
- #
- # @param new_host [String, #to_str] The new host component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1156
- def host=(new_host); end
- # This method is same as URI::Generic#host except
- # brackets for IPv6 (and 'IPvFuture') addresses are removed.
- #
- # @return [String] The hostname for this URI.
- # @see Addressable::URI#host
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1178
- def hostname; end
- # This method is same as URI::Generic#host= except
- # the argument can be a bare IPv6 address (or 'IPvFuture').
- #
- # @param new_hostname [String, #to_str] The new hostname for this URI.
- # @see Addressable::URI#host=
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1190
- def hostname=(new_hostname); end
- # The inferred port component for this URI.
- # This method will normalize to the default port for the URI's scheme if
- # the port isn't explicitly specified in the URI.
- #
- # @return [Integer] The inferred port component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1440
- def inferred_port; end
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2417
- def init_with(coder); end
- # Returns a String
representation of the URI object's state.
- #
- # @return [String] The URI object's state, as a String
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2384
- def inspect; end
- # Determines if the scheme indicates an IP-based protocol.
- #
- # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] true
if the scheme indicates an IP-based protocol.
- # false
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1855
- def ip_based?; end
- # Joins two URIs together.
- #
- # @param The [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] URI to join with.
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The joined URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1889
- def join(uri); end
- # Destructive form of join
- #
- # @param The [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] URI to join with.
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The joined URI.
- # @see Addressable::URI#join
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1992
- def join!(uri); end
- # Merges a URI with a Hash
of components.
- # This method has different behavior from join
. Any
- # components present in the hash
parameter will override the
- # original components. The path component is not treated specially.
- #
- # @param The [Hash, Addressable::URI, #to_hash] components to merge with.
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The merged URI.
- # @see Hash#merge
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2007
- def merge(hash); end
- # Destructive form of merge
- #
- # @param The [Hash, Addressable::URI, #to_hash] components to merge with.
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The merged URI.
- # @see Addressable::URI#merge
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2072
- def merge!(uri); end
- # Returns a normalized URI object.
- #
- # NOTE: This method does not attempt to fully conform to specifications.
- # It exists largely to correct other people's failures to read the
- # specifications, and also to deal with caching issues since several
- # different URIs may represent the same resource and should not be
- # cached multiple times.
- #
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The normalized URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2164
- def normalize; end
- # Destructively normalizes this URI object.
- #
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The normalized URI.
- # @see Addressable::URI#normalize
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2190
- def normalize!; end
- # The authority component for this URI, normalized.
- #
- # @return [String] The authority component, normalized.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1252
- def normalized_authority; end
- # The fragment component for this URI, normalized.
- #
- # @return [String] The fragment component, normalized.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1816
- def normalized_fragment; end
- # The host component for this URI, normalized.
- #
- # @return [String] The host component, normalized.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1126
- def normalized_host; end
- # The password component for this URI, normalized.
- #
- # @return [String] The password component, normalized.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1002
- def normalized_password; end
- # The path component for this URI, normalized.
- #
- # @return [String] The path component, normalized.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1535
- def normalized_path; end
- # The port component for this URI, normalized.
- #
- # @return [Integer] The port component, normalized.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1392
- def normalized_port; end
- # The query component for this URI, normalized.
- #
- # @return [String] The query component, normalized.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1613
- def normalized_query(*flags); end
- # The scheme component for this URI, normalized.
- #
- # @return [String] The scheme component, normalized.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#896
- def normalized_scheme; end
- # The normalized combination of components that represent a site.
- # Combines the scheme, user, password, host, and port components.
- # Primarily useful for HTTP and HTTPS.
- #
- # For example, ""
would have a
- # site
value of ""
- #
- # @return [String] The normalized components that identify a site.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1485
- def normalized_site; end
- # The user component for this URI, normalized.
- #
- # @return [String] The user component, normalized.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#947
- def normalized_user; end
- # The userinfo component for this URI, normalized.
- #
- # @return [String] The userinfo component, normalized.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1068
- def normalized_userinfo; end
- # Omits components from a URI.
- #
- # @example
- # uri = Addressable::URI.parse("")
- # #=> #true
if the URI is relative. false
- # otherwise.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1869
- def relative?; end
- # The HTTP request URI for this URI. This is the path and the
- # query string.
- #
- # @return [String] The request URI required for an HTTP request.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1774
- def request_uri; end
- # Sets the HTTP request URI for this URI.
- #
- # @param new_request_uri [String, #to_str] The new HTTP request URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1786
- def request_uri=(new_request_uri); end
- # Returns the shortest normalized relative form of this URI that uses the
- # supplied URI as a base for resolution. Returns an absolute URI if
- # necessary. This is effectively the opposite of route_to
- #
- # @param uri [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI to route from.
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The normalized relative URI that is equivalent to the original URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2085
- def route_from(uri); end
- # Returns the shortest normalized relative form of the supplied URI that
- # uses this URI as a base for resolution. Returns an absolute URI if
- # necessary. This is effectively the opposite of route_from
- #
- # @param uri [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI to route to.
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The normalized relative URI that is equivalent to the supplied URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2150
- def route_to(uri); end
- # The scheme component for this URI.
- #
- # @return [String] The scheme component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#890
- def scheme; end
- # Sets the scheme component for this URI.
- #
- # @param new_scheme [String, #to_str] The new scheme component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#917
- def scheme=(new_scheme); end
- # The combination of components that represent a site.
- # Combines the scheme, user, password, host, and port components.
- # Primarily useful for HTTP and HTTPS.
- #
- # For example, ""
would have a
- # site
value of ""
- #
- # @return [String] The components that identify a site.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1467
- def site; end
- # Sets the site value for this URI.
- #
- # @param new_site [String, #to_str] The new site value.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1506
- def site=(new_site); end
- # Returns the top-level domain for this host.
- #
- # @example
- # Addressable::URI.parse("").tld # => ""
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1207
- def tld; end
- # Sets the top-level domain for this URI.
- #
- # @param new_tld [String, #to_str] The new top-level domain.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1215
- def tld=(new_tld); end
- # Returns a Hash of the URI components.
- #
- # @return [Hash] The URI as a Hash
of components.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2367
- def to_hash; end
- # Converts the URI to a String
- #
- # @return [String] The URI's String
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2341
- def to_s; end
- # Converts the URI to a String
- # URI's are glorified Strings
. Allow implicit conversion.
- #
- # @return [String] The URI's String
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2341
- def to_str; end
- # The user component for this URI.
- #
- # @return [String] The user component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#941
- def user; end
- # Sets the user component for this URI.
- #
- # @param new_user [String, #to_str] The new user component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#970
- def user=(new_user); end
- # The userinfo component for this URI.
- # Combines the user and password components.
- #
- # @return [String] The userinfo component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1052
- def userinfo; end
- # Sets the userinfo component for this URI.
- #
- # @param new_userinfo [String, #to_str] The new userinfo component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1091
- def userinfo=(new_userinfo); end
- protected
- # Converts the string to be UTF-8 if it is not already UTF-8
- #
- # @api private
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2561
- def force_utf8_encoding_if_needed(str); end
- # Resets composite values for the entire URI
- #
- # @api private
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2552
- def remove_composite_values; end
- # Replaces the internal state of self with the specified URI's state.
- # Used in destructive operations to avoid massive code repetition.
- #
- # @param uri [Addressable::URI] The URI to replace self
- # @return [Addressable::URI] self
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2519
- def replace_self(uri); end
- # Splits path string with "/" (slash).
- # It is considered that there is empty string after last slash when
- # path ends with slash.
- #
- # @param path [String] The path to split.
- # @return [ArrayAddressable::URI.parse
. Handles all of the
- # various Microsoft-specific formats for specifying paths.
- #
- # @example
- # base = Addressable::URI.convert_path("/absolute/path/")
- # uri = Addressable::URI.convert_path("relative/path")
- # (base + uri).to_s
- # #=> "file:///absolute/path/relative/path"
- #
- # Addressable::URI.convert_path(
- # "c:\\windows\\My Documents 100%20\\foo.txt"
- # ).to_s
- # #=> "file:///c:/windows/My%20Documents%20100%20/foo.txt"
- #
- # Addressable::URI.convert_path("").to_s
- # #=> ""
- # @param path [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] Typically a String
path to a file or directory, but
- # will return a sensible return value if an absolute URI is supplied
- # instead.
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The parsed file scheme URI or the original URI if some other URI
- # scheme was provided.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#292
- def convert_path(path); end
- # Percent encodes any special characters in the URI.
- #
- # @param uri [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI to encode.
- # @param return_type [Class] The type of object to return.
- # This value may only be set to String
- # Addressable::URI
. All other values are invalid. Defaults
- # to String
- # @return [String, Addressable::URI] The encoded URI.
- # The return type is determined by the return_type
- # parameter.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#616
- def encode(uri, return_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Percent encodes a URI component.
- #
- # '9' to be percent encoded. If a Regexp
is passed, the
- # value /[^b-zB-Z0-9]/
would have the same effect. A set of
- # useful String
values may be found in the
- # Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses
module. The default
- # value is the reserved plus unreserved character classes specified in
- # RFC 3986.
- #
- # @example
- # Addressable::URI.encode_component("simple/example", "b-zB-Z0-9")
- # => "simple%2Fex%61mple"
- # Addressable::URI.encode_component("simple/example", /[^b-zB-Z0-9]/)
- # => "simple%2Fex%61mple"
- # Addressable::URI.encode_component(
- # "simple/example", Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED
- # )
- # => "simple%2Fexample"
- # @param component [String, #to_str] The URI component to encode.
- # @param character_class [String, Regexp] The characters which are not percent encoded. If a String
- # is passed, the String
must be formatted as a regular
- # expression character class. (Do not include the surrounding square
- # brackets.) For example, "b-zB-Z0-9"
would cause
- # everything but the letters 'b' through 'z' and the numbers '0' through
- # @param upcase_encoded [Regexp] A string of characters that may already be percent encoded, and whose
- # encodings should be upcased. This allows normalization of percent
- # encodings for characters not included in the
- # character_class
- # @return [String] The encoded component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#403
- def encode_component(component, character_class = T.unsafe(nil), upcase_encoded = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Percent encodes any special characters in the URI.
- #
- # @param uri [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI to encode.
- # @param return_type [Class] The type of object to return.
- # This value may only be set to String
- # Addressable::URI
. All other values are invalid. Defaults
- # to String
- # @return [String, Addressable::URI] The encoded URI.
- # The return type is determined by the return_type
- # parameter.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#616
- def escape(uri, return_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Percent encodes a URI component.
- #
- # '9' to be percent encoded. If a Regexp
is passed, the
- # value /[^b-zB-Z0-9]/
would have the same effect. A set of
- # useful String
values may be found in the
- # Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses
module. The default
- # value is the reserved plus unreserved character classes specified in
- # RFC 3986.
- #
- # @example
- # Addressable::URI.encode_component("simple/example", "b-zB-Z0-9")
- # => "simple%2Fex%61mple"
- # Addressable::URI.encode_component("simple/example", /[^b-zB-Z0-9]/)
- # => "simple%2Fex%61mple"
- # Addressable::URI.encode_component(
- # "simple/example", Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED
- # )
- # => "simple%2Fexample"
- # @param component [String, #to_str] The URI component to encode.
- # @param character_class [String, Regexp] The characters which are not percent encoded. If a String
- # is passed, the String
must be formatted as a regular
- # expression character class. (Do not include the surrounding square
- # brackets.) For example, "b-zB-Z0-9"
would cause
- # everything but the letters 'b' through 'z' and the numbers '0' through
- # @param upcase_encoded [Regexp] A string of characters that may already be percent encoded, and whose
- # encodings should be upcased. This allows normalization of percent
- # encodings for characters not included in the
- # character_class
- # @return [String] The encoded component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#403
- def escape_component(component, character_class = T.unsafe(nil), upcase_encoded = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Encodes a set of key/value pairs according to the rules for the
- # application/x-www-form-urlencoded
MIME type.
- #
- # @param form_values [#to_hash, #to_ary] The form values to encode.
- # @param sort [TrueClass, FalseClass] Sort the key/value pairs prior to encoding.
- # Defaults to false
- # @return [String] The encoded value.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#740
- def form_encode(form_values, sort = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Decodes a String
according to the rules for the
- # application/x-www-form-urlencoded
MIME type.
- #
- # @param encoded_value [String, #to_str] The form values to decode.
- # @return [Array] The decoded values.
- # This is not a Hash
because of the possibility for
- # duplicate keys.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#793
- def form_unencode(encoded_value); end
- # Converts an input to a URI. The input does not have to be a valid
- # URI — the method will use heuristics to guess what URI was intended.
- # This is not standards-compliant, merely user-friendly.
- #
- # @param uri [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI string to parse.
- # No parsing is performed if the object is already an
- # Addressable::URI
- # @param hints [Hash] A Hash
of hints to the heuristic parser.
- # Defaults to {:scheme => "http"}
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The parsed URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#191
- def heuristic_parse(uri, hints = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns an array of known ip-based schemes. These schemes typically
- # use a similar URI form:
- # //:@:/
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1369
- def ip_based_schemes; end
- # Joins several URIs together.
- #
- # @example
- # base = ""
- # uri = Addressable::URI.parse("relative/path")
- # Addressable::URI.join(base, uri)
- # #=> #String
- # is passed, the String
must be formatted as a regular
- # expression character class. (Do not include the surrounding square
- # brackets.) For example, "b-zB-Z0-9"
would cause
- # everything but the letters 'b' through 'z' and the numbers '0'
- # through '9' to be percent encoded. If a Regexp
is passed,
- # the value /[^b-zB-Z0-9]/
would have the same effect. A
- # set of useful String
values may be found in the
- # Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses
module. The default
- # value is the reserved plus unreserved character classes specified in
- # RFC 3986.
- # @param leave_encoded [String] When character_class
is a String
- # leave_encoded
is a string of characters that should remain
- # percent encoded while normalizing the component; if they appear percent
- # encoded in the original component, then they will be upcased ("%2f"
- # normalized to "%2F") but otherwise left alone.
- # @return [String] The normalized component.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#552
- def normalize_component(component, character_class = T.unsafe(nil), leave_encoded = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Resolves paths to their simplest form.
- #
- # @param path [String] The path to normalize.
- # @return [String] The normalized path.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2440
- def normalize_path(path); end
- # Normalizes the encoding of a URI. Characters within a hostname are
- # not percent encoded to allow for internationalized domain names.
- #
- # @param uri [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI to encode.
- # @param return_type [Class] The type of object to return.
- # This value may only be set to String
- # Addressable::URI
. All other values are invalid. Defaults
- # to String
- # @return [String, Addressable::URI] The encoded URI.
- # The return type is determined by the return_type
- # parameter.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#671
- def normalized_encode(uri, return_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns a URI object based on the parsed string.
- #
- # @param uri [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI string to parse.
- # No parsing is performed if the object is already an
- # Addressable::URI
- # @return [Addressable::URI] The parsed URI.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#114
- def parse(uri); end
- # Returns a hash of common IP-based schemes and their default port
- # numbers. Adding new schemes to this hash, as necessary, will allow
- # for better URI normalization.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1376
- def port_mapping; end
- # Unencodes any percent encoded characters within a URI component.
- # This method may be used for unencoding either components or full URIs,
- # however, it is recommended to use the unencode_component
- # alias when unencoding components.
- #
- # @param uri [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI or component to unencode.
- # @param return_type [Class] The type of object to return.
- # This value may only be set to String
- # Addressable::URI
. All other values are invalid. Defaults
- # to String
- # @param leave_encoded [String] A string of characters to leave encoded. If a percent encoded character
- # in this list is encountered then it will remain percent encoded.
- # @return [String, Addressable::URI] The unencoded component or URI.
- # The return type is determined by the return_type
- # parameter.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#472
- def unencode(uri, return_type = T.unsafe(nil), leave_encoded = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Unencodes any percent encoded characters within a URI component.
- # This method may be used for unencoding either components or full URIs,
- # however, it is recommended to use the unencode_component
- # alias when unencoding components.
- #
- # @param uri [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI or component to unencode.
- # @param return_type [Class] The type of object to return.
- # This value may only be set to String
- # Addressable::URI
. All other values are invalid. Defaults
- # to String
- # @param leave_encoded [String] A string of characters to leave encoded. If a percent encoded character
- # in this list is encountered then it will remain percent encoded.
- # @return [String, Addressable::URI] The unencoded component or URI.
- # The return type is determined by the return_type
- # parameter.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#472
- def unencode_component(uri, return_type = T.unsafe(nil), leave_encoded = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Unencodes any percent encoded characters within a URI component.
- # This method may be used for unencoding either components or full URIs,
- # however, it is recommended to use the unencode_component
- # alias when unencoding components.
- #
- # @param uri [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI or component to unencode.
- # @param return_type [Class] The type of object to return.
- # This value may only be set to String
- # Addressable::URI
. All other values are invalid. Defaults
- # to String
- # @param leave_encoded [String] A string of characters to leave encoded. If a percent encoded character
- # in this list is encountered then it will remain percent encoded.
- # @return [String, Addressable::URI] The unencoded component or URI.
- # The return type is determined by the return_type
- # parameter.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#472
- def unescape(uri, return_type = T.unsafe(nil), leave_encoded = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Unencodes any percent encoded characters within a URI component.
- # This method may be used for unencoding either components or full URIs,
- # however, it is recommended to use the unencode_component
- # alias when unencoding components.
- #
- # @param uri [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI or component to unencode.
- # @param return_type [Class] The type of object to return.
- # This value may only be set to String
- # Addressable::URI
. All other values are invalid. Defaults
- # to String
- # @param leave_encoded [String] A string of characters to leave encoded. If a percent encoded character
- # in this list is encountered then it will remain percent encoded.
- # @return [String, Addressable::URI] The unencoded component or URI.
- # The return type is determined by the return_type
- # parameter.
- #
- # source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#472
- def unescape_component(uri, return_type = T.unsafe(nil), leave_encoded = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# Container for the character classes specified in
-# RFC 3986.
-# Note: Concatenated and interpolated `String`s are not affected by the
-# `frozen_string_literal` directive and must be frozen explicitly.
-# Interpolated `String`s *were* frozen this way before Ruby 3.0:
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#46
-module Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses; end
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#47
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::ALPHA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#57
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::AUTHORITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#48
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::DIGIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#60
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::FRAGMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#49
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::GEN_DELIMS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#56
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::HOST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#58
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#54
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::PCHAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#59
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::QUERY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#51
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::RESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#53
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::RESERVED_AND_UNRESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#55
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::SCHEME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#50
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::SUB_DELIMS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#52
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#72
-module Addressable::URI::CharacterClassesRegexps; end
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#73
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClassesRegexps::AUTHORITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#74
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClassesRegexps::FRAGMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#75
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClassesRegexps::HOST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#76
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClassesRegexps::PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#77
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClassesRegexps::QUERY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#78
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClassesRegexps::RESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#79
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClassesRegexps::RESERVED_AND_UNRESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#80
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClassesRegexps::SCHEME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#81
-Addressable::URI::CharacterClassesRegexps::UNRESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#85
-Addressable::URI::EMPTY_STR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Raised if something other than a uri is supplied.
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#34
-class Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError < ::StandardError; end
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2598
-module Addressable::URI::NONE; end
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#1530
-Addressable::URI::NORMPATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#63
-module Addressable::URI::NormalizeCharacterClasses; end
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#68
-Addressable::URI::NormalizeCharacterClasses::FRAGMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#64
-Addressable::URI::NormalizeCharacterClasses::HOST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#66
-Addressable::URI::NormalizeCharacterClasses::PCHAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#69
-Addressable::URI::NormalizeCharacterClasses::QUERY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#67
-Addressable::URI::NormalizeCharacterClasses::SCHEME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#65
-Addressable::URI::NormalizeCharacterClasses::UNRESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2427
-Addressable::URI::PARENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#89
-Addressable::URI::PORT_MAPPING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2429
-Addressable::URI::RULE_2A = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2430
-Addressable::URI::RULE_2B_2C = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2431
-Addressable::URI::RULE_2D = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2432
-Addressable::URI::RULE_PREFIXED_PARENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#2426
-Addressable::URI::SELF_REF = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Tables used to optimize encoding operations in `self.encode_component`
-# and `self.normalize_component`
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#360
-Addressable::URI::SEQUENCE_ENCODING_TABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#364
-Addressable::URI::SEQUENCE_UPCASED_PERCENT_ENCODING_TABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#84
-Addressable::URI::SLASH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/uri.rb#87
-Addressable::URI::URIREGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/version.rb#23
-module Addressable::VERSION; end
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/version.rb#24
-Addressable::VERSION::MAJOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/version.rb#25
-Addressable::VERSION::MINOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/version.rb#28
-Addressable::VERSION::STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://addressable/lib/addressable/version.rb#26
-Addressable::VERSION::TINY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/crack@1.0.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/crack@1.0.0.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 9775093b..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/crack@1.0.0.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `crack` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem crack`.
-# source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#196
-module Crack; end
-# source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#197
-class Crack::REXMLParser
- class << self
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#198
- def parse(xml); end
- end
-# source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#225
-class Crack::XML
- class << self
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#234
- def parse(xml); end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#226
- def parser; end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#230
- def parser=(parser); end
- end
-# This is a slighly modified version of the XMLUtilityNode from
-# (
-# It's mainly just adding vowels, as I ht cd wth n vwls :)
-# This represents the hard part of the work, all I did was change the
-# underlying parser.
-# source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#23
-class REXMLUtilityNode
- # @return [REXMLUtilityNode] a new instance of REXMLUtilityNode
- #
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#56
- def initialize(name, normalized_attributes = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#73
- def add_node(node); end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#24
- def attributes; end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#24
- def attributes=(_arg0); end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#24
- def children; end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#24
- def children=(_arg0); end
- # Get the inner_html of the REXML node.
- #
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#172
- def inner_html; end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#24
- def name; end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#24
- def name=(_arg0); end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#78
- def to_hash; end
- # Converts the node into a readable HTML node.
- #
- # @return [String] The HTML node in text form.
- #
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#179
- def to_html; end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#185
- def to_s; end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#24
- def type; end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#24
- def type=(_arg0); end
- # Typecasts a value based upon its type. For instance, if
- # +node+ has #type == "integer",
- # {{[node.typecast_value("12") #=> 12]}}
- #
- # @note If +self+ does not have a "type" key, or if it's not one of the
- # options specified above, the raw +value+ will be returned.
- # @param value [String] The value that is being typecast.
- # @return [Integer, TrueClass, FalseClass, Time, Date, Object] The result of typecasting +value+.
- #
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#157
- def typecast_value(value); end
- # Take keys of the form foo-bar and convert them to foo_bar
- #
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#164
- def undasherize_keys(params); end
- private
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#191
- def unnormalize_xml_entities(value); end
- class << self
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#34
- def available_typecasts; end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#38
- def available_typecasts=(obj); end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#26
- def typecasts; end
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#30
- def typecasts=(obj); end
- end
-# The Reason behind redefining the String Class for this specific plugin is to
-# avoid the dynamic insertion of stuff on it (see version previous to this commit).
-# Doing that disables the possibility of efectuating a dump on the structure. This way it goes.
-# source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#14
-class REXMLUtiliyNodeString < ::String
- # Returns the value of attribute attributes.
- #
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#15
- def attributes; end
- # Sets the attribute attributes
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute attributes to.
- #
- # source://crack/lib/crack/xml.rb#15
- def attributes=(_arg0); end
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/hashdiff@1.1.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/hashdiff@1.1.0.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 72541dbd..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/hashdiff@1.1.0.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `hashdiff` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem hashdiff`.
-# This module provides methods to diff two hash, patch and unpatch hash
-# source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/util.rb#3
-module Hashdiff
- class << self
- # Best diff two objects, which tries to generate the smallest change set using different similarity values.
- #
- # Hashdiff.best_diff is useful in case of comparing two objects which include similar hashes in arrays.
- #
- # @example
- # a = {'x' => [{'a' => 1, 'c' => 3, 'e' => 5}, {'y' => 3}]}
- # b = {'x' => [{'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'e' => 5}] }
- # diff = Hashdiff.best_diff(a, b)
- # diff.should == [['-', 'x[0].c', 3], ['+', 'x[0].b', 2], ['-', 'x[1].y', 3], ['-', 'x[1]', {}]]
- # @param obj1 [Array, Hash]
- # @param obj2 [Array, Hash]
- # @param options [Hash] the options to use when comparing
- # * :strict (Boolean) [true] whether numeric values will be compared on type as well as value. Set to false to allow comparing Integer, Float, BigDecimal to each other
- # * :ignore_keys (Symbol, String or Array) [[]] a list of keys to ignore. No comparison is made for the specified key(s)
- # * :indifferent (Boolean) [false] whether to treat hash keys indifferently. Set to true to ignore differences between symbol keys (ie. {a: 1} ~= {'a' => 1})
- # * :delimiter (String) ['.'] the delimiter used when returning nested key references
- # * :numeric_tolerance (Numeric) [0] should be a positive numeric value. Value by which numeric differences must be greater than. By default, numeric values are compared exactly; with the :tolerance option, the difference between numeric values must be greater than the given value.
- # * :strip (Boolean) [false] whether or not to call #strip on strings before comparing
- # * :array_path (Boolean) [false] whether to return the path references for nested values in an array, can be used for patch compatibility with non string keys.
- # * :use_lcs (Boolean) [true] whether or not to use an implementation of the Longest common subsequence algorithm for comparing arrays, produces better diffs but is slower.
- # @return [Array] an array of changes.
- # e.g. [[ '+', 'a.b', '45' ], [ '-', 'a.c', '5' ], [ '~', 'a.x', '45', '63']]
- # @since 0.0.1
- # @yield [path, value1, value2] Optional block is used to compare each value, instead of default #==. If the block returns value other than true of false, then other specified comparison options will be used to do the comparison.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/diff.rb#32
- def best_diff(obj1, obj2, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # check if objects are comparable
- #
- # @private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/util.rb#108
- def comparable?(obj1, obj2, strict = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # check for equality or "closeness" within given tolerance
- #
- # @private
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/util.rb#86
- def compare_values(obj1, obj2, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # count node differences
- #
- # @private
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/util.rb#25
- def count_diff(diffs); end
- # count total nodes for an object
- #
- # @private
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/util.rb#36
- def count_nodes(obj); end
- # try custom comparison
- #
- # @private
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/util.rb#119
- def custom_compare(method, key, obj1, obj2); end
- # decode property path into an array
- # e.g. "a.b[3].c" => ['a', 'b', 3, 'c']
- #
- # @param path [String] Property-string
- # @param delimiter [String] Property-string delimiter
- # @private
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/util.rb#58
- def decode_property_path(path, delimiter = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Compute the diff of two hashes or arrays
- #
- # @example
- # a = {"a" => 1, "b" => {"b1" => 1, "b2" =>2}}
- # b = {"a" => 1, "b" => {}}
- #
- # diff = Hashdiff.diff(a, b)
- # diff.should == [['-', 'b.b1', 1], ['-', 'b.b2', 2]]
- # @param obj1 [Array, Hash]
- # @param obj2 [Array, Hash]
- # @param options [Hash] the options to use when comparing
- # * :strict (Boolean) [true] whether numeric values will be compared on type as well as value. Set to false to allow comparing Integer, Float, BigDecimal to each other
- # * :ignore_keys (Symbol, String or Array) [[]] a list of keys to ignore. No comparison is made for the specified key(s)
- # * :indifferent (Boolean) [false] whether to treat hash keys indifferently. Set to true to ignore differences between symbol keys (ie. {a: 1} ~= {'a' => 1})
- # * :similarity (Numeric) [0.8] should be between (0, 1]. Meaningful if there are similar hashes in arrays. See {best_diff}.
- # * :delimiter (String) ['.'] the delimiter used when returning nested key references
- # * :numeric_tolerance (Numeric) [0] should be a positive numeric value. Value by which numeric differences must be greater than. By default, numeric values are compared exactly; with the :tolerance option, the difference between numeric values must be greater than the given value.
- # * :strip (Boolean) [false] whether or not to call #strip on strings before comparing
- # * :array_path (Boolean) [false] whether to return the path references for nested values in an array, can be used for patch compatibility with non string keys.
- # * :use_lcs (Boolean) [true] whether or not to use an implementation of the Longest common subsequence algorithm for comparing arrays, produces better diffs but is slower.
- # @return [Array] an array of changes.
- # e.g. [[ '+', 'a.b', '45' ], [ '-', 'a.c', '5' ], [ '~', 'a.x', '45', '63']]
- # @since 0.0.1
- # @yield [path, value1, value2] Optional block is used to compare each value, instead of default #==. If the block returns value other than true of false, then other specified comparison options will be used to do the comparison.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/diff.rb#80
- def diff(obj1, obj2, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # diff array using LCS algorithm
- #
- # @private
- # @yield [links]
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/diff.rb#124
- def diff_array_lcs(arraya, arrayb, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # caculate array difference using LCS algorithm
- #
- #
- # @private
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/lcs.rb#8
- def lcs(arraya, arrayb, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # get the node of hash by given path parts
- #
- # @private
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/util.rb#75
- def node(hash, parts); end
- # Apply patch to object
- #
- # @param obj [Hash, Array] the object to be patched, can be an Array or a Hash
- # @param changes [Array] e.g. [[ '+', 'a.b', '45' ], [ '-', 'a.c', '5' ], [ '~', 'a.x', '45', '63']]
- # @param options [Hash] supports following keys:
- # * :delimiter (String) ['.'] delimiter string for representing nested keys in changes array
- # @return the object after patch
- # @since 0.0.1
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/patch.rb#17
- def patch!(obj, changes, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/util.rb#137
- def prefix_append_array_index(prefix, array_index, opts); end
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/util.rb#129
- def prefix_append_key(prefix, key, opts); end
- # judge whether two objects are similar
- #
- # @private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/util.rb#7
- def similar?(obja, objb, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Unpatch an object
- #
- # @param obj [Hash, Array] the object to be unpatched, can be an Array or a Hash
- # @param changes [Array] e.g. [[ '+', 'a.b', '45' ], [ '-', 'a.c', '5' ], [ '~', 'a.x', '45', '63']]
- # @param options [Hash] supports following keys:
- # * :delimiter (String) ['.'] delimiter string for representing nested keys in changes array
- # @return the object after unpatch
- # @since 0.0.1
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/patch.rb#58
- def unpatch!(obj, changes, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # checks if both objects are Arrays or Hashes
- #
- # @private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/util.rb#151
- def any_hash_or_array?(obja, objb); end
- end
-# Used to compare hashes
-# @private
-# source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/compare_hashes.rb#6
-class Hashdiff::CompareHashes
- class << self
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/compare_hashes.rb#8
- def call(obj1, obj2, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# Used to compare arrays using the lcs algorithm
-# @private
-# source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/lcs_compare_arrays.rb#6
-class Hashdiff::LcsCompareArrays
- class << self
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/lcs_compare_arrays.rb#8
- def call(obj1, obj2, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# Used to compare arrays in a linear complexity, which produces longer diffs
-# than using the lcs algorithm but is considerably faster
-# @private
-# source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#8
-class Hashdiff::LinearCompareArray
- # @return [LinearCompareArray] a new instance of LinearCompareArray
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#45
- def initialize(old_array, new_array, options); end
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#14
- def call; end
- private
- # Returns the value of attribute additions.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#42
- def additions; end
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#139
- def append_addition(item, index); end
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#123
- def append_addititions_before_match(match_index); end
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#144
- def append_deletion(item, index); end
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#131
- def append_deletions_before_match(match_index); end
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#149
- def append_differences(difference); end
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#153
- def changes; end
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#67
- def compare_at_index; end
- # Returns the value of attribute deletions.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#42
- def deletions; end
- # Returns the value of attribute differences.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#42
- def differences; end
- # Returns the value of attribute expected_additions.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#43
- def expected_additions; end
- # Sets the attribute expected_additions
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute expected_additions to.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#43
- def expected_additions=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#59
- def extra_items_in_new_array?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#55
- def extra_items_in_old_array?; end
- # look ahead in the new array to see if the current item appears later
- # thereby having new items added
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#89
- def index_of_match_after_additions; end
- # look ahead in the old array to see if the current item appears later
- # thereby having items removed
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#107
- def index_of_match_after_deletions; end
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#82
- def item_difference(old_item, new_item, item_index); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#63
- def iterated_through_both_arrays?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute new_array.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#42
- def new_array; end
- # Returns the value of attribute new_index.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#43
- def new_index; end
- # Sets the attribute new_index
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute new_index to.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#43
- def new_index=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute old_array.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#42
- def old_array; end
- # Returns the value of attribute old_index.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#43
- def old_index; end
- # Sets the attribute old_index
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute old_index to.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#43
- def old_index=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute options.
- #
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#42
- def options; end
- class << self
- # source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/linear_compare_array.rb#9
- def call(old_array, new_array, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://hashdiff/lib/hashdiff/version.rb#4
-Hashdiff::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/json@2.7.2.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/json@2.7.6.rbi
similarity index 91%
rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/json@2.7.2.rbi
rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/json@2.7.6.rbi
index 43f4f56d..86bb1007 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/json@2.7.2.rbi
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/json@2.7.6.rbi
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# Extends any Class to include _json_creatable?_ method.
-# source://json/lib/json/common.rb#690
+# source://json/lib/json/common.rb#726
class Class < ::Module
# Returns true if this class can be used to create an instance
# from a serialised JSON string. The class has to implement a class
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class Class < ::Module
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://json/lib/json/common.rb#695
+ # source://json/lib/json/common.rb#731
def json_creatable?; end
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ end
# Without custom addition: "#some text this is bold! more text
" - # d.root.get_text.class # => REXML::Text - # d.root.get_text # => "some text " - # - # With argument +xpath+, returns the first text node from the element - # that matches +xpath+: - # - # d.root.get_text(1) # => "this is bold!" - # - # source://rexml/lib/rexml/element.rb#1053 - def get_text(path = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # :call-seq: - # has_attributes? -> true or false - # - # Returns +true+ if the element has attributes, +false+ otherwise: - # - # d ='some text this is bold! more text
" - # d.root.text.class # => String - # d.root.text # => "some text " - # - # With argument +xpath+, returns text from the first text node - # in the element that matches +xpath+: - # - # d.root.text(1) # => "this is bold!" - # - # Note that an element may have multiple text nodes, - # possibly separated by other non-text children, as above. - # Even so, the returned value is the string text from the first such node. - # - # Note also that the text note is retrieved by method get_text, - # and so is always normalized text. - # - # source://rexml/lib/rexml/element.rb#1030 - def text(path = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # :call-seq: - # text = string -> string - # text = nil -> nil - # - # Adds, replaces, or removes the first text node child in the element. - # - # With string argument +string+, - # creates a new \REXML::Text node containing that string, - # honoring the current settings for whitespace and row, - # then places the node as the first text child in the element; - # returns +string+. - # - # If the element has no text child, the text node is added: - # - # d = '' - # d.root.text = 'foo' #-> 'foo' - # - # If the element has a text child, it is replaced: - # - # d.root.text = 'bar' #-> 'bar' - # - # With argument +nil+, removes the first text child: - # - # d.root.text = nil #-> '