Thanks for your great work on this add-on!
I noticed that I don't see the Rails routes in controllers ( due to the routes being inside constraints ( If I move the route outside of the constraint and reindex, the route shows up in the CodeLens. Is it possible to extend the support for these?
I think it fails because of not having the subdomain
requirement present here:
For example one my routes has these
@defaults={:subdomain=>"app", :controller=>"health", :action=>"index"},
which would not match when requirements just have the controller
and action
present and comparing the full hash (route.requirements == requirements
::Rails.application.routes.from_requirements({ controller: "health", action: "index" })
=> nil
::Rails.application.routes.from_requirements({ controller: "health", action: "index", subdomain: "app" })
If the full hash comparison does not give any results, could there be a fallback that just checks with controller
and action
or something like that?
::Rails.application.routes.routes.find { |route| route.requirements[:controller] == requirements.fetch(:controller) && route.requirements[:action] == requirements.fetch(:action) }
Or is there a way to get the subdomain context somehow in the params?