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[api-codegen] Project isn't "consuming" output from storefront generated graphql types #1901



Issue summary

Issue is as stated, snapshots:


I've a backend that works 99% with the admin API, but, because there's nowhere to do a cartCreate with it, that has to be from the storefront. I'm using @shopify/shopify-api v11.6.1 and everything runs perfectly, at run-time, and everything with the admin side of things works absolutely perfectly at compile time and run-time.

With the storefront side of things, in vscode, there's no automatic association between the generated code and the actual response, even though the code is generated perfectly.

A similar call with the admin api, without anything changing in the project settings,


If I go and manually reference the generated file, we get what we want,



import { ApiType, shopifyApiProject } from "@shopify/api-codegen-preset"

export default {
  schema: "",
  projects: {
    default: shopifyApiProject({
      apiType: ApiType.Admin,
      apiVersion: "2024-10",
      documents: ["./lib/shopify/admin/*.ts"],
      outputDir: "./lib/graphql-types/admin"
    storefront: shopifyApiProject({
      apiType: ApiType.Storefront,
      apiVersion: "2024-10",
      documents: ["./lib/shopify/storefront/*.ts"],
      outputDir: "./lib/graphql-types/storefront"

Admin gen command
npx graphql-codegen

Storefront gen command
npx graphql-codegen -p storefront

I've followed the advice in #1058 to get 90% of the way there, but not all the way.

At the end of the day, especially because this is the only storefront call I make with our backend, and I can manually reference that output, or just type it out myself, it's not really a big issue, but it does seem like a bug, and should work "out of the box" like with admin.

Before opening this issue, I have:

  • [ x ] Upgraded to the latest version of the relevant packages
    • @shopify/* package and version:
    "@shopify/admin-api-client": "^1.0.4",
    "@shopify/graphql-client": "^1.2.1",
    "@shopify/shopify-api": "^11.6.1",
    "@shopify/shopify-app-session-storage": "^3.0.9",
    "@shopify/api-codegen-preset": "^1.1.3",
  • Node version: v20.18.1
  • Operating system: OSX 15.2
  • [ x] Set { logger: { level: LogSeverity.Debug } } in my configuration, when applicable
  • [x ] Found a reliable way to reproduce the problem that indicates it's a problem with the package
  • [ x] Looked for similar issues in this repository
  • [x ] Checked that this isn't an issue with a Shopify API



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