New GitHub Action workflow for on demand commit benchmarking #344
We should add a new workflow (triggered by a UI button):
It will be very similar to the current "benchmark" interface.
- repo
- ref
- build args?
- run args?
- parent/base for comparison
- x86 and/or arm (default both?)
- Setup params (resolve shas for specified ref and parent/base to compare to)
- It should launch a new instance from the AMI
- compile rubies
- run the benchmarks
- upload the json to a bucket
- then it could DM the user (or post the channel) on slack with urls to the json files to notify when complete
- shut itself down
We can leave it there for inspection or further testing if desired.
We could then have a periodic cleaner job that would clean up old instances that have been shut down for 7 days or some other amount of time.
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