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COM_5ePack_EN5 - 63 - Fell Grafts_Alpha.user
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<document signature="Hero Lab Data">
<thing id="c5CFellPct" name="Path of the Fell Pact" description="While most individuals grafted with the parts of monsters or other races are not willing to accept their new limbs and appendages, barbarians of the Fell Pact hunt down creatures to incorporate into their own bodies as a rite of passage. These despicable warriors hide their demonic or devilish abilities beneath their skin, utilizing their rage to manifest fiendish qualities that endow them with powers that make them terrors to behold on the battlefield." compset="CustomSpec" uniqueness="unique">
<usesource source="EN5_63"/>
<tag group="abCategory" tag="BbnPriPath"/>
<tag group="SpecSource" tag="cHelpBbn"/>
<bootstrap thing="c5CEvilInc">
<autotag group="ClSpecWhen" tag="14"/>
<bootstrap thing="c5CFellRge">
<autotag group="ClSpecWhen" tag="3"/>
<bootstrap thing="c5CFellScn">
<autotag group="ClSpecWhen" tag="6"/>
<bootstrap thing="c5CGrtrFlS">
<autotag group="ClSpecWhen" tag="10"/>
<thing id="c5CFellRge" name="Fell Rage" description="Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you can manifest fell powers when you rage. If you do so, for the duration of your rage you can gain the benefits of either the Abyssal Hide feat or the Imp’s Eye feat. When your rage ends, you suffer one level of exhaustion if you used this feature." compset="ClSpecial">
<usesource source="EN5_63"/>
<thing id="c5CFellScn" name="Fell Scion" description="Beginning at 6th level, when you use Fell Rage you gain the benefits of either the Dretch Belch feat or the Infernal Horns feat. You do not require any rests between the uses of abilities granted by these feats but may only use rechargeable abilities once per rage." compset="ClSpecial">
<usesource source="EN5_63"/>
<thing id="c5CGrtrFlS" name="Greater Fell Scion" description="Beginning at 10th level, when you use Fell Rage you gain the benefits of either the Infernal Mask feat or the Vrock Feathers feat. You do not require any rests between the uses of abilities granted by these feats but may only use rechargeable abilities once per rage." compset="ClSpecial">
<usesource source="EN5_63"/>
<thing id="c5CEvilInc" name="Evil Incarnate" description="Beginning at 14th level, when you use Fell Rage you gain the benefits of either the Balor Wings feat or the Devil’s Arm feat. You do not require any rests between the uses of abilities granted by these feats but may only use rechargeable abilities once per rage." compset="ClSpecial">
<usesource source="EN5_63"/>
<thing id="f5CAbysslH" name="Abyssal Hide" description="The hide of a demon lays just beneath the surface of your skin, itching with every good deed you witness and urging you to act with the same despicable malevolence as the creature that it once belonged to. \n\nYou gain the following benefits and flaw:\n\n▶▶ You gain natural armor that increases your AC by 1.\n\n▶▶ You may spend a reaction to gain advantage on a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all uses by completing a long rest." compset="Feat" uniqueness="useronce">
<usesource source="EN5_63"/>
<tag group="Helper" tag="ShowSpec"/>
<tag group="Usage" tag="LongRest"/>
<tag group="abAction" tag="Reaction"/>
<thing id="f5CBalorWn" name="Balor Wings" description="Prerequisite: Proficiency Bonus +4 or higher\n\nYou have acquired the terrifying wings of a great demon, able to take to the sky and call upon some of their original bearer’s dark power to burn your foes with the flames of the Abyss. You gain the following benefits:\n\n▶▶ You may spend an action to sprout wings that grant you a fly speed of 80 feet. While these wings are out, you have disadvantage on non-Intimidation Charisma ability checks against Good and Neutral creatures.\n\n▶▶ By spending a bonus action you may retract your wings to a quarter of their size, losing your fly speed but gaining an aura of fire. At the start of your turn, each creature within 5 feet of you takes 10 (3d6) fire damage, and unattended flammable objects in the aura that aren’t being carried or worn ignite. A creature that touches you or hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of you takes 10 (3d6) fire damage. You may only use this fire aura for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus before requiring a short rest. These rounds need not be consecutive and you can return the wings to full size as a bonus action." compset="Feat" uniqueness="useronce">
<usesource source="EN5_63"/>
<tag group="Helper" tag="ShowSpec"/>
<thing id="f5CFellGrf" name="Devil’s Arm" description="Prerequisite: Proficiency Bonus +4 or higher \n\nThe ruby-red arm of a devil juts out of your shoulder or the hide of an infernal servant covers your own arm, granting you a conduit that draws\npower from Hell itself. You gain the following benefits:\n\n▶▶ Your Strength score increases by 2. Your maximum Strength score is now 22.\n\n▶▶ You are able to conjure flames to use as ranged attacks. By spending a bonus action, you generate as many flames as you have attacks in a round; at the beginning of your next turn, any unused flames dissipate. The range for your hurled flames is 150 feet and on a successful hit, they deal 4d6 fire damage + your Strength modifier. If the target is a flammable object that isn’t being worn or carried, it also catches fire.\n\n▶▶ You have disadvantage on non-Intimidation Charisma ability checks against Good and Neutral creatures." compset="Feat" uniqueness="useronce">
<usesource source="EN5_63"/>
<tag group="Helper" tag="ShowSpec"/>
<thing id="f5CDrtchBl" name="Dretch Belch" description="Within your mouth is the wretched tongue of a dretch, a fetid and disgusting thing that both fortifies you against poison and gives you a means of poisoning others. You gain the following benefits:\n\n▶▶ You gain immunity to the poisoned condition.\n\n▶▶ By spending an action, you expel a 10- foot radius of disgusting gas that spreads around corners and makes its area lightly obscured. It lasts for 1 minute or until a strong wind disperses it. Any creature that starts its turn in that area must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. While poisoned in this way, the target can take either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both, and can’t take reactions. You must complete a long rest before you are able to belch gas again." compset="Feat" uniqueness="useronce">
<usesource source="EN5_63"/>
<tag group="Helper" tag="ShowSpec"/>
<thing id="f5CImpsEye" name="Imp’s Eye" description="One of your eyes has been replaced with an eye from one of Hell’s lowliest denizens, allowing your vision to pierce darkness as easily as a\ndagger pierces flesh. You gain the following benefits:\n\n▶▶ You gain darkvision 60 feet. If you already have darkvision it increases by 60 feet. \n\n▶▶ Magical darkness does not impede your vision. You have disadvantage on non- Intimidation Charisma ability checks against Good and Neutral creatures." compset="Feat" uniqueness="useronce">
<usesource source="EN5_63"/>
<tag group="Helper" tag="ShowSpec"/>
<thing id="f5CInfrnlH" name="Infernal Horns" description="Prerequisite: Proficiency Bonus +3 or higher \n\nJutting forth from your skull are grisly horns from one of Hell’s devils, channeling infernal power to protect you from magical attacks but poisoning your mind with wicked impulses. You gain the following benefit and flaw:\n\n▶▶ You gain advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\n\n▶▶ You are at disadvantage when making non- Intimidation Charisma ability checks against creatures that are not evil.\n\n▶▶ Once per week you must commit a duplicitous or evil act or you lose advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." compset="Feat" uniqueness="useronce">
<usesource source="EN5_63"/>
<tag group="Helper" tag="ShowSpec"/>
<thing id="f5CInfrnlM" name="Infernal Mask" description="Prerequisite: Proficiency Bonus +3 or higher \n\nYour visage can contort and transform into a rictus that resembles the devil from whence it came, filling your enemies with terror. When a creature you can see starts its turn within 30 feet of you, you can spend a bonus action to create an illusion that uses the creature’s deepest fears to utterly horrify it. If the creature can see you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) or be frightened until the end of its turn. By spending an action instead, you may affect a number of creatures equal to your\nproficiency bonus." compset="Feat" uniqueness="useronce">
<usesource source="EN5_63"/>
<tag group="Helper" tag="ShowSpec"/>
<thing id="f5CVrockFt" name="Vrock Feathers" description="Prerequisite: Proficiency Bonus +3 or higher \n\nYou are able to sprout the feathers of a dreaded vrock. Though this evil plumage does not grant you any aerial ability, they are as deadly and\ntoxic as the demon that grew them. You gain the following benefits:\n\n▶▶ You may spend an action to sprout feathers that grant you immunity to the poisoned condition and resistance to poison damage (if you have resistance to poison damage, you gain immunity to poison damage). \n\n▶▶ By spending an action while your feathers are out, you emit a cloud of toxic spores in a 15-foot radius. The spores spread around corners. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or gain the poisoned condition. While poisoned in this way, a target takes 5 (1d10) poison damage at the start of each of its turns. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Emptying a vial of holy water on the target also ends the effect on it. You must complete a short rest before you can release another cloud of toxic spores." compset="Feat" uniqueness="useronce">
<usesource source="EN5_63"/>
<tag group="Helper" tag="ShowSpec"/>