We didn't add a prod platform identifier and Creative Kit isn't working as a result.
To start, we are able to get staging working. However, in production, we get an error_description_encryption_metadata_read_failure exception when trying to use SCSDKPhotoSnapContent.
The issue is we don't have a production Platform Identifier. I guess I somehow forgot to add it (imo the app shouldn't be able to go through a ~2-week approval process and get approved if there's no actual way for it to be put into production).
Now, there is no way to add it - the Add Platform button is blocked with a hint saying Can't add a Platform Identifier for an approved Application.
Based on this thread here, creating a New Version should resolve the issue, but doesn't. The Add Platform button is still blocked, and clicking on it gives an Invalid platform identifier error. Even after the new version was approved, the same thing happened - the Add Platform is blocked.
Can you please assist?
