WARN: Due to some internal tooling (releasability checks) semantic versioning is barely supported.
Therefore, a new release number has to be a new major.
Assume you want to release from version 70.0.0.x
the next version must be 71.0.0.x
Prepare a new project release in Jira with as version
(no patch or build number) -
Leave the Jira version status as
Update pom.xml version of parent-oss project. (example PR)
Check that releasability checks pass on Burgr
Retrieve the last build number on Burgr (
) -
On GitHub create a new release and set this number retrieved from Burgr as tag and release version
Publish the release
Check that the GitHub release workflow run well
Check it is gracefully deployed on Sonatype.
WARN: It can take up to 24h to have the release synchronized with Sonatype. Sometimes it is very fast sometimes not)