Releases: SonarSource/sonarlint-vscode
This version adds an automatic connected mode setup with SonarQube (10.4+), new secret detections, a possibility to mark issues as "Accepted" and some new rules (including 8 new Kubernetes rules, support for TS 5.3)
More details in the Sonar Community announcement and in the release notes.
This version adds more critical Python issues detection (requires connected mode with SonarCloud).
More details in the Sonar Community announcement and in the release notes.
This version adds support for T-SQL, AzureResourceManager templates, and Bicep files.
More details in the Sonar Community announcement and in the release notes.
This version delivers initial support for C#: Please share feedback on our Community Forum.
This version also adds the possibility to open any SonarQube issue in the IDE to investigate it and fix it without having to manually locate the code; it also enables instant synchronization of SonarCloud issue status changes (e.g. Won't Fix or False Positive) to the IDE, and adds rules for Spring, Pandas and React.
More details in the Sonar Community announcement and in the release notes.
This version introduces an option to focus the analysis scope on the new code (code that has been recently added or modified). In addition, it adds the capability to detect 42 new secrets for cloud applications and allows to configure file or directory exclusions from analysis
More details in the Sonar Community announcement and in the release notes.
This version introduces our new Clean Code definitions, adds plenty of cloud provider secret detections, and enables users to resolve new issues even before their new code is analyzed by SonarQube (requires SonarQube 10.2+).
More details in the Sonar Community announcement and in the release notes.
This version adds a walkthrough to help first-time users to make the best out of SonarLint. It also adds plenty of C and C++ MISRA 2023 rules and other improvements to C, C++, Java and Python analyis.
More details in the Sonar Community announcement and in the release notes.
With this SonarLint version, developers have the ability to resolve an issue as Won't Fix or False positive, as well as to change the status of a Security Hotspot, directly in VS Code; moreover, the Security Hotspot status is now real-time synchronized from SonarQube to the IDE.
This release also introduces support for Cobol analysis (in Beta for now).
More details in the Sonar Community announcement and in the release notes.