Setup.exe (first installation) works fine, but mgr.UpdateApp generates broken shortcut for wpf application and zero byte exe after an update. Squirrel: It's like ClickOnce but Works? ;)
.Net 4.6.1 - Tested on Win 10, 7
using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(@"D:\Releases\DesignTime\DesignTime_files\Releases", "DesignTime"))
var updates = await mgr.CheckForUpdate();
if (updates.ReleasesToApply.Any())
await mgr.UpdateApp();
string question = "The application has been updated and needs to restart to apply the changes.\n"
+ "Do you want to exit the application?";
if (WinUIMessageBox.Show(question, null, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question, MessageBoxResult.Yes) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
await UpdateManager.RestartAppWhenExited();