Thanks for wanting to make a contribution and wanting to improve this library for everyone!
- Fork and clone the repo
- Run
yarn install
to install dependencies - Create a branch for your PR with `git checkout -b pr-type/issue-number-your-branch-name beta
- Let's get cooking! 👨🏻🍳🥓
Be sure your commit messages follow this specification:
This project follows the all contributors
specification. To add yourself to the table of contributors on the
, please use the
automated script as part of your PR:
yarn contributors:add
Follow the prompt and commit .all-contributorsrc
in the PR. If you've already
added yourself to the list and are making a new type of contribution, you can run it again and
select the added contribution type.
Please make sure to run the tests before you commit your changes. You can do so by running
npm test three
We have two core branches that mirror the three
repo. If your PR is for the current release of three
it should be based off master
and aimed at merging back into master
. If you're PR is for the next release of three
then it should be based off dev
and therefore aimed at merging back into dev
Please check out the the open issues.
Also, please watch the repo and respond to questions/bug reports/feature requests! Thanks!