TanStack Table version
pnpm ^8.20.6
Framework/Library version
next ^15.1.3
Describe the bug and the steps to reproduce it
When implementing manual server-side pagination, an issue arises when applying a filter while not on the first page. The pagination resets as expected, but the filter value does not update correctly. However, when on the first page, the filter functions as intended.
The problem seems to stem from the setFilterValue function provided by the column. This function appears to perform two actions simultaneously: resetting the pagination and setting the filter value. Due to this simultaneous operation, a conflict occurs, preventing the filter from applying correctly.
Your Minimal, Reproducible Example - (Sandbox Highly Recommended)
<FloatingLabelInput type={column.inputType ?? 'text'} label={column.label} value={(table.getColumn(String(column.value))?.getFilterValue() as string) || ''} onChange={(event) => { console.log({ event }); setTimeout(() => { table.resetPagination(); }, 0); table.getColumn(String(column.value))?.setFilterValue(; }} classNameLabel="text-sm" className="h-12 w-full" showClearIcon={ column.showClearIcon && (table.getColumn(String(column.value))?.getFilterValue() as string) ? ( ) : undefined } />
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