To support int8 model deployment on mobile devices,we provide the universal post training quantization tools which can convert the float32 model to int8 model.
Example with mobilenet, just need three steps.
./ncnnoptimize mobilenet.param mobilenet.bin mobilenet-opt.param mobilenet-opt.bin 0
We suggest that using the verification dataset for calibration, which is more than 5000 images.
Some imagenet sample images here
find images/ -type f > imagelist.txt
./ncnn2table mobilenet-opt.param mobilenet-opt.bin imagelist.txt mobilenet.table mean=[104,117,123] norm=[0.017,0.017,0.017] shape=[224,224,3] pixel=BGR thread=8 method=kl
- mean and norm are the values you passed to
- shape is the blob shape of your model, [w,h] or [w,h,c]
* if w and h both are given, image will be resized to exactly size.
* if w and h both are zero or negative, image will not be resized.
* if only h is zero or negative, image's width will scaled resize to w, keeping aspect ratio.
* if only w is zero or negative, image's height will scaled resize to h
- pixel is the pixel format of your model, image pixels will be converted to this type before
- thread is the CPU thread count that could be used for parallel inference
- method is the post training quantization algorithm, kl and aciq are currently supported
If your model has multiple input nodes, you can use multiple list files and other parameters
./ncnn2table mobilenet-opt.param mobilenet-opt.bin imagelist-bgr.txt,imagelist-depth.txt mobilenet.table mean=[104,117,123],[128] norm=[0.017,0.017,0.017],[0.0078125] shape=[224,224,3],[224,224,1] pixel=BGR,GRAY thread=8 method=kl
We suggest that using the validation(development) set for calibration.
Use the same preprocessing as the training set to get the input vectors, in the case of batchsize=1, store each input vector as an npy file, n inputs correspond to n npy files, the actual stored vectors to remove the batch dimension.
test net, shape is in NCHW format, but there's no N
in0, shape=[512]
in1, shape=[2, 1, 64]
in2, shape=[2, 1, 64]
./ncnn2table test.param test.bin filelist_in0.txt,filelist_in1.txt,filelist_in2.txt test.table shape=[512],[64,1,2],[64,1,2] thread=8 method=kl type=1
Here shape is WHC, because the order of the arguments to ncnn::Mat
./ncnn2int8 mobilenet-opt.param mobilenet-opt.bin mobilenet-int8.param mobilenet-int8.bin mobilenet.table
If you don’t need static quantization, ncnn supports RNN/LSTM/GRU dynamic quantization. In this case, you can omit the table file.
./ncnn2int8 rnn-model.param rnn-model.bin rnn-model-int8.param rnn-model-int8.bin
the ncnn library would use int8 inference automatically, nothing changed in your code
ncnn::Net mobilenet;
Before quantize your model, comment the layer weight scale line in table file, then the layer will do the float32 inference
conv1_param_0 156.639840536
#conv1_param_0 156.639840536