Releases: Tetrakern/fictioneer
Fictioneer 5.6.1
!!ATTENTION!! Please read the release notes of 5.6.0 as well, this is just a hotfix!
Release Notes
- Fixed: Finally disabled template editor (
remove_theme_support( 'block-templates' )
which is not documented) - Fixed: Editors can now save the posts again if they are allowed to use shortcodes or edit someone's post (-.-)
- Improved: Restriction of page templates on save (not great, not terrible)
- Changed: Extended contributor default capabilities
Fictioneer 5.6.0
!!ATTENTION!! Please make sure to purge your Story Data Caches under Fictioneer > Tools! If your roles somehow lack permissions, you can fix them with Fictioneer > Tools > Initialize Roles manually. And flush your permalinks for good measure under Settings > Permalinks > Save. If the style is old or weird, clear your browser cache.
This may very well be the most comprehensive update since the initial release. As always there are some bug fixes and performance improvements, but this time there are new features as well. I even considered jumping to 6.0 but decided it's not that different yet.
Please consider supporting me on Ko-fi if you like the theme.
Highlight: Role Manager
You can now add, edit, and remove roles and capabilities under Fictioneer > Roles, although limited to the theme. If you want to edit truly all capabilities, use a dedicated plugin. The primary goal was to lobotomize the editor for random authors in case you want to host an open community archive. Which you really should not. The Installation Guide has been updated with the new Roles tab.
Fiction post types are no longer considered pages but come with their own capabilities, so you have full control over who can see, assign, edit, or delete them. The same goes for all taxonomies, including the default categories and tags. Permalinks and page templates are no longer free-for-all, dates cannot be changed once a post has been published, sticky requires permission, shortcodes require a written test, and custom CSS injections are not for children's hands. And so forth.

Release Notes
- Fixed: Stories without chapters will no longer query everyone and their cat to fill the void
- Fixed: The "New" marker on cards is now displayed correctly
- Fixed: The comment style preview in the profile now shows your badge (if any)
- Fixed: Your Patreon status no longer lasts indefinitely
- Fixed: Default avatars should now really no longer be broken (lol)
- New: Chapters belonging to an unpublished story will now 404 and be marked in lists
- New: Option to monitor posts for suspicious strings and alert the admin via email
- New: Options to send notifications of new stories and chapters to Discord channels
- New: Style of the settings is now likened to WordPress and works with the color schemes too
- New: Option to flush the whole object cache on update (the nuclear option)
- New: Story filter for the chapter list table
- Improved: Fewer follow-up and double action execution with the block editor and caching
- Improved: Your profile now tells you if your Patreon status has expired (log out and in to refresh)
- Added:
constant to enable ACF on the frontend - Added: The admin profile now also has the self-delete section (if allowed)
- Changed: The
filter has been reworked, the old one will crash - Changed: The TinyMCE editor for foreword/afterword has been reduced
- Changed: Several general settings have been removed and re-added as role capabilities
Fictioneer 5.5.3
ATTENTION! About 160 functions are no longer pluggable! You can still override these functions by removing them from their hooks and adding your own. If you currently have overrides and your site explodes, this is why.
Please consider supporting me on Ko-fi if you like the theme.
Release Notes:
- Fixed: Advanced search toggle should not really always work (lol)
- Fixed: Default avatar should no longer be broken for guests
- Fixed: The Simple search shortcode now honors the type parameter
- Improved: Additional post author caching to improve performance
- Improved: The Simple Search shortcode does no longer query for the advanced form
- Improved: Optimized list page template queries
- Improved: Optimized comment count queries
- Improved: Significantly reduces card content queries
- Improved: Significantly reduced ePUB converter queries
- Improved: Reduces RSS template queries
- Improved: Several role optimizations
- Improved: Comment edit history now also tracks moderator edits
- Improved: Disable XML-RPC by default (can be turned on by filter if you need it)
- Updated: ACF to 6.2.0
- Added:
constant to turn off sticky card - Added:
constant to control comment count Transients - Added: WordPress update notice is now hidden from non-administrators
- Added: Card taxonomy settings for collections (previously used story settings)
- Added: Option to disable all WP Widgets to improve performance (Fictioneer does not use them)
- Added: Option to limit the media library files by uploader
Fictioneer 5.5.2
IMPORTANT! Clear all your caches, especially the story data caches under Fictioneer > Tools.
Follow-up to the ongoing performance improvements that will likely continue in 5.5.x for a while. This patch brings more performance fixes and boosts, some critical, especially for shortcodes and sites with many authors. This should also increase the compatibility with persist object caches, such as Redis or Memcached. But if you have page caching simultaneously, there can be issues depending on the cache plugin used. Additional (drastic) measures may be necessary.
Please consider supporting me on Ko-fi if you like the theme.
Release Notes:
- Fixed: Default gravatar is no longer broken
- Fixed: Automatic appending of chapters now properly updates stories and shortcodes (probably)
- Fixed: Bookshelf menu item is no longer labeled as "Account"
- Fixed: Update/Purge actions do no longer trigger on auto-drafts
- Fixed: Sitemaps are no longer updated just by opening the editor
- Improved: Cache purge helpers are now more considerate of WP's own object cache
- Improved: Cache purge helpers no longer trigger redundant action calls
- Improved: Authors are now primed with
- Improved: Use one query to collect chapters for a story
- Improved: Skip story comment count update if not required
- Improved:
is now pluggable - Improved: Statistic calculations now use less (complex) queries
- Improved: The OAuth script now provides error messages and uses
- Improved: Shortcode HTML is now stored in Transients
- Improved: Word count does now ignore shortcodes
- Change: Hidden chapters/stories are now displayed as "hidden item" in lists to avoid the expensive meta query
- Change: Search page is now empty without input and shows additional messages
- Added:
constant (default: 300; 0 for infinite, -1 to disable)
Fictioneer 5.5.1
... one hour later. Anyway, this is a hotfix for the fallback avatar that suddenly stopped working and would leave every guest commenter without email with a broken image.
Release Notes:
- Fixed: Fallback avatar
Fictioneer 5.5.0
IMPORTANT! Clear all your caches, especially the story data caches under Fictioneer > Tools.
Time for another minor version! This update adds a few new options and vastly reduces the number of database queries, which should significantly improve performance -- especially for sites without persistent object caching.
Please consider supporting me on Ko-fi if you like the theme.
Release Notes:
- Fixed: CSS issues across the board
- Fixed: Warning if no SEO images has been set
- Fixed: Search token tracks in Firefox
- Improved: Shortcode performance
- Improved: Menu performance
- Improved: Story card performance
- Improved: Restrict author role
- Improved: Stick comment handling
- Improved: Collection statistics performance
- Improved: Chapter list (in chapters) performance
- Added:
action hook - Added: Option to immediately append new chapters to their stories
- Added: Option to limit chapter story selection by author
- Added: Option to strip shortcodes from non-administrators
- Updated: ACF to 6.1.8
Fictioneer 5.4.8
Aside from some bug fixes, this update makes it a lot easier to change the theme's main navigation bar. You can find an example in the Readme of the base child theme.
Please consider supporting me on Ko-fi if you like the theme.
Release Notes:
- Fixed: Reduction of subscriber profiles now only affects the subscriber role
- Fixed: The OG Image in the SEO meta box now only accepts images (lol)
- Fixed: The "Advanced" button will not work for multiple instances of the Search shortcode
- Fixed: The Quote and Suggestion buttons no longer copy HTML markup
- Fixed: Navigation intersection observer firing in the wrong direction
- Fixed: Story blogs now only show posts by the author(s)
- Added meta box to assign posts to stories (in addition to a common category)
- Added "type" parameter to Search shortcode for pre-selecting the post type
- Added "author_ids" and "exclude_author_ids" parameters to Blog shortcode
- Added password note field to stories
- Added
CSS variable to the navigation observer - Added
hooks to navigation partial
Fictioneer 5.4.7
Small update for additional customization options.
Please consider supporting me on Ko-fi if you like the theme.
Release Notes:
- Added FICTIONEER_DISABLE_ACF_JSON_IMPORT constant (if you do not know what this does, hands off)
- Moved custom fiction CSS to wp_head hook (so you can remove it if necessary)
Fictioneer 5.4.6
This primarily fixes issues with the text-to-speech feature on mobile and specifically in Safari, which apparently does not support lookbehind regular expressions. Thanks for nothing, Apple! There is now also a modal for the TTS settings with some instructions on how to make this work on Android devices. Why this needs microphone permissions is beyond me.
The default voice is currently Samatha (en-US) or the first English language if it's not found. There might be an update in the future to select a voice depending on the site language, but the problem is that most voices are kinda garbage. Just selecting any first one is not necessarily the best course of action.
Please consider supporting me on Ko-fi if you like the theme.
Release Notes:
- Fixed: TTS in Safari (ffs Apple!)
- Fixed: Container shadows in Safari (ffs Apple!!)
- Improvement: Modal for TTS settings
- Improvement: Updated and unified some icons

Fictioneer 5.4.5
Maintenance and bug fixes.
Please consider supporting me on Ko-fi if you like the theme.
Release Notes:
- Fixed: Lightbox now works for bookmarks and has been optimized
- Fixed: Spacing between breadcrumb items is now even
- Fixed: Removed errant backslashes from comment reply notification emails
- Improvement: Spoiler, insert, delete, and quote BBCodes should now work on multi-line selections
- Moved bookmark template elements to partials for easier customization in child themes