Changes in ztd::idk::span broke several runtime test compilation #10
A commit in ztd::idk 🛠 Improve 's ability to handle poor arguments broke several tests in:
- tests/run_time/source/bit_view.bounds.cpp
- Both std::deque tests in bounds now fail.
- tests/run_time/source/bit_view.subrange.cpp
- All tests (std::list and std::deque) fail in subrange.
When I analyzed the bounds test, it looks like:
// TestType is long unsigned int
// Storage is deque
using span_range = ::ztd::span<TestType>;
using R = std::conditional_t<std::is_constructible_v<span_range, Storage&>, span_range,
std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<TestType>, c_sub_range, sub_range>>;
R being ::ztd::span
bit_view constructor attempts to construct the ::ztd::span with the std::deque in __base_t(std::move(__extents))
template<typename... _Args>
constexpr bit_view(bounds_type __extents, _Args&&... __args) noexcept(
_Args...>&& ::std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<bounds_type>)
: __base_t(std::move(__extents)), _M_storage(::std::forward<_Args>(__args)...)
and the ztd::span cannot match the 3-arg constructor used at:
template <typename _Range,
::std::enable_if_t<!::ztd::is_std_or_c_array_v<::ztd::remove_cvref_t<_Range>> // cf
&& !::ztd::is_initializer_list_v<::ztd::remove_cvref_t<_Range>> // cf
&& !::ztd::__span_detail::__is_span_v<::ztd::remove_cvref_t<_Range>> // cf
>* = nullptr>
ZTD_EXPLICIT(extent != ::ztd::__span_detail::__dynamic_extent)
constexpr span(_Range&& __range) noexcept : span(__rng_key, __rng_key, ::std::forward<_Range>(__range)) {
Likely due to the large template condition failing one of the checks from
template <typename _Range,
::ztd::ranges::is_range_v<_Range> // cf
&& ::ztd::ranges::is_range_contiguous_range_v<_Range> // cf
&& ::ztd::ranges::is_sized_range_v<_Range> // cf
&& ::ztd::is_non_derived_compatible_pointer_v< // cf
::std::remove_reference_t<::ztd::ranges::range_reference_t<_Range>>, // cf
element_type> // cf
&& (::std::is_lvalue_reference_v<_Range> // cf
? (::std::is_const_v<::std::remove_reference_t<_Range>> // cf
? (::std::is_const_v<element_type>)
: true)
: (true)) // cf
>* = nullptr>
ZTD_EXPLICIT(extent != ::ztd::__span_detail::__dynamic_extent)
constexpr span(
::ztd::__span_detail::__rng_key_t, ::ztd::__span_detail::__rng_key_t, _Range&& __range) noexcept
: __base_span_size(::ztd::ranges::size(__range)), _M_data(::ztd::ranges::data(__range)) {
(These sections of span.implementation.hpp were all updated in the commit I mentioned earlier)
That's as far as I have got on my own. Could you please take a look to see if itsy_bitsy can be updated to be compatible with the new span constructors?
cmake --version
cmake version 3.26.4
g++ --version
g++ (Alpine 12.2.1_git20220924-r10) 12.2.1 20220924
P.S. apart from some renaming of adl_ranges and these failures, all the other tests pass.
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