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Defining Command Line

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127 lines (80 loc) · 8.1 KB

Defining command line arguments

In order to use Ookii.CommandLine, you must create a class that defines the arguments accepted by your application. This type will specify the names, types and attributes (required, positional) of each argument.

There are two ways to define arguments: using the properties of the class, or using constructor parameters for the class.

Using properties

The preferred way to define arguments is by using properties. A property defines an argument only when it has the CommandLineArgumentAttribute attribute applied to it. The property must have a getter and setter, except for multi-value and dictionary arguments which can be defined by read-only properties under certain conditions.

The type of the argument is the type of the property, and the name of the argument matches the property name by default, but this can be overridden using the CommandLineArgumentAttribute constructor.

An argument defined by a property is by default optional and not positional. Its default value can be set using the CommandLineArgumentAttribute.DefaultValue property.

To create a required argument, set the CommandLineArgumentAttribute.IsRequired property to true.

To create a positional argument, set the CommandLineArgumentAttribute.Position property to a non-negative number. This property determines the relative ordering of the positional arguments only, not their actual position, so it’s fine if you skip numbers. Positional arguments defined by properties come after arguments defined by constructor parameters, so for example if there are three constructor parameters, the property with the lowest position value will be the fourth positional argument. Remember that you cannot have required positional arguments after optional ones, and that a multi-value positional argument must be the last positional argument. If your properties violate these rules, the CommandLineParser class’s constructor will throw an exception.

To define a multi-value argument, you can use either a read-write property of an array type (e.g. int[]) or a read-only property of any type implementing ICollection<T> (e.g. List<int>).

To define a dictionary argument, you can use either a read-write property of type Dictionary<TKey, TValue> (e.g. Dictionary<string, int>) or a read-only property of any type implementing IDictionary<TKey, TValue>.

If the type of an argument is a Boolean, a nullable Boolean, or an array of Booleans, this defines a switch argument unless the argument is positional.

Consider the following properties:

[CommandLineArgument(DefaultValue = "default")]
public string SomeArgument { get; set; }

[CommandLineArgument("OtherName", Position = 0)]
public int OtherArgument { get; set; }

public bool Switch { get; set; }

public string NotAnArgument { get; set; }

The first property defines an optional non-positional argument of type string with the name “SomeArgument” and the default value “default”.

The second property defines an optional positional argument of type int with the name “OtherName”. The argument will be the first positional argument (after the arguments defined by constructor parameters, if there are any).

The third property defines a switch argument, because its type is a Boolean. Switch arguments can be supplied without a value; they will be true if present and false is not.

The fourth property does not define an argument, because it doesn’t have the CommandLineArgumentAttribute applied.

Default values

If the default value is specified using the CommandLineArgumentAttribute.DefaultValue property, it must either match the type of the property, or be a type that the argument's TypeConverter can convert from.

Default argument values set by the CommandLineArgumentAttribute.DefaultValue property are applied only if the argument is not required, it was not specified on the command line, and the default value is not null.

If the default value is null, the CommandLineParser will not set the property even if the argument was not specified. This enables you to use property initialization as an alternative way to specify default values:

public string SomeProperty { get; set; } = "default";

Here, the value “default” will not be changed if the argument was not specified. This is particularly useful if the argument uses a non-nullable reference type, which must be initialized with a non-null value.

However, if this method is used, the default value cannot be included in the usage description by setting the WriteUsageOptions.IncludeDefaultValueInDescription property.

Arguments that cancel parsing

Sometimes, you may wish to show usage help even if the command line is valid (all required arguments are present and there are no other errors), for example if the user supplied a "-Help" or "-?" argument.

To enable this behavior, you set the CommandLineArgumentAttribute.CancelParsing property to true. If this property is set, parsing is stopped when the argument is encountered. The rest of the command line is not processed, and CommandLineParser.Parse will return null. The static Parse helper method will automatically print usage in this case.

For example, you could use the following argument definition:

[CommandLineArgument(CancelParsing = true)]
public bool Help { get; set; }

Using constructor parameters

An alternative way to define positional parameters is using a constructor. The parameters of the public constructor for the class will be used to define arguments. These arguments will be positional arguments, and required if the parameter is a required parameter.

Every constructor parameter creates a positional argument with its position matching the position of the constructor parameter. The type of the constructor parameter is the type of the argument, and by default the name of the constructor parameter is used of as the argument name, but this can be overridden using the ArgumentNameAttribute attribute.

For example, consider a class with the following constructor:

public MyArguments(string arg1,
                   int arg2,
                   [ArgumentName("CustomName")] float arg3 = 0f)

This constructor defines the following arguments: a required positional argument of type string with the name “arg1”, a required positional argument of type int with the name “arg2”, and an optional positional argument of type float with the name “CustomName” and a default value of 0.

If you are not using the C# 4.0 compiler, you can apply the System.Runtime.InteropServices.OptionalAttribute attribute and the System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValueAttribute to the parameter to define an optional argument. In Visual Basic, you can use the usual syntax for optional parameters (for an example, see the source code of the Visual Basic sample application included with the library).

If the type of a constructor parameter is an array, this defines a multi-value positional argument.

If your type has more than one constructor, you must mark one of them using the CommandLineConstructorAttribute attribute. You don’t need to use this attribute if you have only one constructor.

If you don’t wish to define arguments using the constructor, simply use a constructor without any parameters (or don’t define an explicit constructor).

Defining aliases

An alias is an alternative name that can be used to specify a command line argument. Aliases can be added to a command line argument by applying the AliasAttribute to the property or constructor parameter that defines the argument.

For example, the following code defines a switch argument that can be specified using either the name “Verbose” or the alias “v”:

[CommandLineArgument, Alias("v")]
public bool Verbose { get; set; }

To specify more than one alias for an argument, simply apply the AliasAttribute multiple times.