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Float Wrapper Class in Java


The Float class in Java is a wrapper class for the primitive float type. It provides utility methods to work with single-precision floating-point numbers and is part of the java.lang package.

Key Features of the Float Wrapper Class

  1. Boxing and Unboxing: Automatic conversion between primitive types and the Float wrapper class.
  2. Constants: The class provides constants like MAX_VALUE, MIN_VALUE, POSITIVE_INFINITY, etc.
  3. Utility Methods: Methods for parsing, converting, and performing mathematical operations on float values.

Float Wrapper Class Operations

Arithmetic Operations

Operation Symbol Example
Addition + floatValue + floatValue
Subtraction - floatValue - floatValue
Multiplication * floatValue * floatValue
Division / floatValue / floatValue
Modulo % floatValue % floatValue

Relational Operations

Operation Symbol Example
Equal to == floatValue == floatValue
Not equal to != floatValue != floatValue
Greater than > floatValue > floatValue
Less than < floatValue < floatValue
Greater than or equal to >= floatValue >= floatValue
Less than or equal to <= floatValue <= floatValue

Static Methods

Method Description Example
compare(float f1, float f2) Compares two float values., 4.1f) → Returns -1
parseFloat(String s) Parses a String as a primitive float. Float.parseFloat("3.14") → Returns 3.14f
toHexString(float f) Converts a float to its hexadecimal string representation. Float.toHexString(3.14f) → Returns "0x1.91eb86p1"
isNaN(float v) Checks if the value is "Not-a-Number" (NaN). Float.isNaN(Float.NaN) → Returns true
isInfinite(float v) Checks if the value is infinite. Float.isInfinite(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) → Returns true

Instance Methods

Method Description Example
compareTo(Float anotherFloat) Compares this Float object with another. Float.valueOf(3.2f).compareTo(Float.valueOf(4.1f)) → Returns -1
equals(Object obj) Checks if this object is equal to another. Float.valueOf(3.2f).equals(Float.valueOf(3.2f)) → Returns true
isInfinite() Checks if the value is infinite. Float.valueOf(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY).isInfinite() → Returns true
isNaN() Checks if the value is "Not-a-Number" (NaN). Float.valueOf(Float.NaN).isNaN() → Returns true
toString() Returns a string representation of the value. Float.valueOf(3.14f).toString() → Returns "3.14"
hashCode() Returns the hash code for the object. Float.valueOf(3.14f).hashCode()
byteValue() Converts the Float value to a byte. Float.valueOf(3.2f).byteValue() → Returns 3
shortValue() Converts the Float value to a short. Float.valueOf(3.2f).shortValue() → Returns 3
intValue() Converts the Float value to an int. Float.valueOf(3.2f).intValue() → Returns 3
longValue() Converts the Float value to a long. Float.valueOf(3.2f).longValue() → Returns 3L
floatValue() Returns the primitive float value of this Float object. Float.valueOf(3.2f).floatValue() → Returns 3.2f

Relational Operators and Their Equivalent Methods

Operator Operator Usage Equivalent Method Usage
== value1 == value2; // false equals(Object) Float.valueOf(value1).equals(value2); // false
!= value1 != value2; // true !equals(Object) !Float.valueOf(value1).equals(value2); // true
< value1 < value2; // true compare(float, float), value2) < 0; // true
> value1 > value2; // false compare(float, float), value2) > 0; // false
<= value1 <= value2; // true compare(float, float), value2) <= 0; // true
>= value1 >= value2; // false compare(float, float), value2) >= 0; // false

Example Code for Float Wrapper Class

public class FloatWrapperExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Float Examples
        Float floatValue = Float.valueOf(3.14f);
        System.out.println("Float as double: " + floatValue.doubleValue());
        System.out.println("Hexadecimal Representation (Float): " + Float.toHexString(3.14f));

        // Comparing Floats
        int compareResult =, 2.5f);
        System.out.println("Comparison Result (Float): " + compareResult);

        // Parsing Strings
        float parsedFloat = Float.parseFloat("2.71");
        System.out.println("Parsed Float: " + parsedFloat);

        // Converting Float to other types
        int intValue = floatValue.intValue();
        System.out.println("Float as Int: " + intValue);

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