with features:
- add files
- delete files
- list files
- backup file
- restore file
- create snapshots
- fs --> returns where the command was called
- fs init --> creates directories ".zeon_git/objects", ".zeon_git/index.txt", and "hookies"
- fs add file_name(text.txt) --> adds file_name to directory ".zeon_git"
- fs del file_name(text.txt) --> deletes file_name to directory ".zeon_git"
- fs backup --> create backup of directory ".zeon_git"
- fs restore --> restores backed file, which is zip file, to ".zeon_git"
commands for snapshots:
- fs snapshot create file_name(zeon_1.zip) --> creates snapshot(zeon_1.zip) in directory "snapshot"
- fs snapshot del file_name(zeon_1.zip) --> deletes snapshot(zeon_1.zip) from directory "snapshot"
- fs snapshot list --> lists file inside directory "snapshot"
- fs snapshot restore file_name(zeon_1.zip) --> restores file_name(zeon_1.zip) from directory "snapshot" to directory ".zeon_git"
- fs snapshot checkout file_name(zeon_1.zip) --> derives file_name(zeon_1.zip) from directpry "snapshot" and puts into a temporary directory "temp_dir" in order replace the current file in objects
- fs snapshot commit file_name1(dir/dir/test.txt) file_name2(rest.txt) --> replaces "file_name1" with "file_name2"