Issue Summary
(This report references comments-ui version 0.17)
The mode="auto" styling works great -- it's awesome that themes that are running in dark mode automagically get dark mode for comments too. HOWEVER (yeah, there's always a however), themes with a toggle to let the user choose between dark/light cause the auto mode to break, as the comments iframe does not adjust colors when the theme does.
Theme creators could work around this by providing a background behind the comments that doesn't change when the slider is toggled after the page load, but that's going to be a pretty ugly hack and means that the comments are going to look weirdly wrong after the toggle button is flipped on that page.
Is there a way to make comments-ui detect that the color of the container has changed?
Steps to Reproduce
Quick way to fake switching modes: Add (or remove) "class='dark-mode'" to the html tag in casper.
Ghost Version
Node.js Version
How did you install Ghost?
WSL2/using Ghost-cli
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Browser & OS version
chrome/ Windows 10
Relevant log / error output
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