diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 08f84a4..5fe6925 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ Set your Discord presence according to what you are watching on [Trakt](https://
Due to Discord limitations, your Discord client **MUST** be running on the same device as this script.
## Prerequisites
* [Node.js](https://nodejs.org)
* [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com)
* [Trakt.tv Account](https://trakt.tv)
* [Discord Account](https://discord.com)
## Installation
1. [Download the source code](https://github.com/RagnarLothbrok-Odin/trakt-discord-presence/archive/refs/heads/main.zip)
* Extract the folder that was downloaded to your desired location using your preferred software, [WinRar for example](https://www.win-rar.com)
2. [Download Node.js](https://nodejs.org)
* `LTS` preferred, Current should work but `LTS` is recommended
* Ensure that `Node` is installed to `PATH`, it should be an option while installing
3. [Install Yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install)
* Open CMD/terminal/console on your device
* Run the following command
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ Due to Discord limitations, your Discord client **MUST** be running on the same
* Point your CMD/terminal/console to the folder that you extracted the source to, by using the `cd` command, an example follows:
cd /Users/ragnarlothbrok/Downloads/trakt-discord-presence
4. Install the necessary packages with the following command:
yarn install
* A message will indicate when this step is completed
## Setup
1. [Create your Trakt application](https://trakt.tv/oauth/applications)
* After clicking the above link, click `NEW APPLICATION`
@@ -52,25 +52,27 @@ Due to Discord limitations, your Discord client **MUST** be running on the same
* Set the cover image by clicking the box under where it say `Select Image` _(Set this image to the file named_ `trakt.png` _(you can find this file in the folder named_ `images` _in the extracted source)_
* Click `Add Image(s)` and upload the `3` images you can find in the folder named `images` in the extracted source
## Usage
1. Run the program by running the following command:
node .
2. You will be asked for your [Trakt Client ID](https://trakt.tv/oauth/applications), if you did not create an application, ensure you read the [Setup section of this page](https://github.com/RagnarLothbrok-Odin/trakt-discord-presence/blob/main/README.md#setup)
3. You will be asked for your [Trakt Client Secret](https://trakt.tv/oauth/applications)
4. You will be asked for your [Discord Client ID](https://discord.com/developers/applications), if you did not create an application, ensure you read the [Setup section of this page](https://github.com/RagnarLothbrok-Odin/trakt-discord-presence/blob/main/README.md#setup)
5. You will be provided a `URL`, you must paste this link into a browser of your choosing
* Once you visit this `URL`, a code will be provided, you must paste this code into your CMD/terminal/console
6. Finally, you must now run the following code to start the program.
node .
## Functionality
If you follow all the steps correctly, you should see an output similar to the following
## License
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