On "Build Solution and Profile" using an elevated instance of VS: Score Data Extractor failed to start the recording session with code -1. The current build data won't be captured. Please check the output pane for more information.
Output from Compile Score:
[18:44:53] Calling ScoreDataExtractor with -clang -start -i C:/Users/Jim Viebke/Dropbox/Code/C++/Prime Bitstrings/
[ERROR] input path is not a directory.
Execution Time: 01ms
[18:44:53] [ERROR] Score Data Extractor failed to start the recording session with code -1. The current build data won't be captured. Please check the output pane for more information.
[18:44:56] Building...
[18:45:16] Calling ScoreDataExtractor with -clang -stop -tp 100 -td 3 -d 3 -i C:/Users/Jim Viebke/Dropbox/Code/C++/Prime Bitstrings/ -o "C:/Users/Jim Viebke/Dropbox/Code/C++/Prime Bitstrings/Compile Score/"
[ERROR] input path is not a directory.
Execution Time: 00ms
[18:45:16] [ERROR] Score Data Extractor process failed with code -1. Please check the output pane for more information.
[18:45:22] Score generation completed!
[18:45:22] Score file main processed in 79 μs
[18:45:22] Score file globals processed in 61 μs
Output from Build:
Rebuild started...
1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Prime Bitstrings, Configuration: Release x64 ------
1>Prime Bitstrings.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Jim Viebke\Dropbox\Code\C++\Prime Bitstrings\x64\Release\Prime Bitstrings.exe
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
========== Rebuild started at 6:44 PM and took 23.600 seconds ==========
"ScoreSource": 1,
"ScoreLocation": "C:/Users/Jim Viebke/Dropbox/Code/C++/Prime Bitstrings/Compile Score/",
"ScoreGenerator": {
"Compiler": 1,
"InputPath": "C:/Users/Jim Viebke/Dropbox/Code/C++/Prime Bitstrings/",
"OutputPath": "C:/Users/Jim Viebke/Dropbox/Code/C++/Prime Bitstrings/Compile Score/",
"OverviewDetail": 3,
"TimelineDetail": 3,
"TimelinePacking": 100,
"ExtractIncluders": true,
"CollapseTemplateArgs": true
Visual Studio Community 2022, 17.7.6
Compile Score 1.8.4, Data Version 9
Clang 16.0.5
Windows 10
No labels