While I understand that fetch
generally has fewer ways of getting http responses than something dealing with opening and reading files, this API -- with regards to reading files in particular -- is surprisingly divergent, IMO. I personally found the initial example to be a bit hard to follow, where I was bouncing around inside the code to figure out what was being read, what happens when it's read, and what's initializing the read.
I guess I would have expected something like fetch
and how you read the body
const response = await fetch('/some/image.png');
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Not good');
const reader = await response.body.getReader();
for await (const data of reader) {
// do things with binary data here.
Where a file read that aligns more with the existing API might look like:
const files = await showOpenFilePicker(/* options */);
for (const file of files) {
console.log(`Reading ${}`);
// Get a reader
const fileReader = await file.content.getReader();
// Read the binary data
for await (const data of fileReader) {
// do something with binary data here
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