title: I want inaccessibility promoted in the browser user interface
date: 2021-02-16T15:55:51.634Z
submitter: Martin Mengele
number: 602beb07fd31b048ed2bf035
tags: [ ]
status: [ discussing || in-progress || complete ]
- title:
type: [ article || explainer || draft || spec || note || discussion ]
Some browser vendors show insecure connections in the address bar, e.g. when a website only supports HTTP protocol.
The same could be done with HTML documents in the browser, that are inaccessible. Basic accessibility like color contrasts, missing alternative text and missing keyboard support can be detected automatically. Browser vendors could make this basic inaccessibility visible (machine readable!) to all users.
Background: HTML is fault tolerant. Anyone with a text editor can create an HTML document and publish it to the web. Which is a brillant thing that we want to keep! But many HTML authors (even educated devs) have never heard of accessibility. As we don't want HTML itself to break or throw errors, we might want the browser to help the author make the document accessible and guide him here.
It would create some positive and subtle pressure on authors to make their documents accessible for all.
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