title: I want a tiny local web server in DevTools
date: 2021-06-27T07:26:09.794Z
submitter: Oliver Fink
number: 60d828115636dfcbb98b5adf
tags: [ ]
status: [ discussing || in-progress || complete ]
- title:
type: [ article || explainer || draft || spec || note || discussion ]
For educational and testing purposes it would be great to have a tiny static web server serving files from the local file system built into DevTools. It has File System and Overlay already, there is a good enough editor, why not also serve files from say web.local with https.
This would allow students and courses to get started with web development even on locked down systems with just the browser.
Currently you need to install node or python or https just to serve files for development, or go to a hosted sandbox (codepen etc) get started with creating for the web.
Everybody has a browser, why not let them create with native tool support?
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