title: I want the DevTools console to tell me when something happened.
date: 2024-02-05T17:27:19.720Z
submitter: PRIVATE
number: 65c11a7792f3850070011ac2
tags: [ ]
status: [ discussing || in-progress || complete ]
- title:
type: [ article || explainer || draft || spec || note || discussion ]
Let's say that you just finished a session of debugging and go back to your editor to change a few things, as hot module replacement is common place nowadays, you don't refresh your page, now you get a LOT of errors in the console, which ones are from before you changed things and which are from after? You can't know without memorizing every error. This completely defeats the point of HMR as you have to refresh the page or clear the DevTools, remembering the latter is an inconvenience and sometimes you want to actually see the error you're trying to fix.
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