title: I want for a Web where all modern websites can communicate data to each other freely without using online databases
date: 2024-02-15T20:03:29.702Z
submitter: PRIVATE
number: 65ce6e1141467300a12265af
tags: [ ]
status: [ discussing || in-progress || complete ]
- title:
type: [ article || explainer || draft || spec || note || discussion ]
Currently, the only solution for sharing data (like theming preferences and login info) between websites without using complex account databases is using third party cookies, which are bad for several reasons:
- They are usually blocked or cleared by privacy-focused web browsers
- They are temporary and are deleted after a certain amount of time
- They are not uniformly encrypted or otherwise protected, which makes session ID sharing impractical and unsafe
- Websites can only access third-party cookies using embedded web content, which prevents the websites from meaningfully using the cookie's data in non-embedded contexts
and so on..
So, I propose a new JavaScript API for sharing data: The sharedLocalStorage API
In the sharedLocalStorage API, websites read and write data much as in the localStorage API, but they get to choose which domains and subdomains get to read a piece of data stored under the sharedLocalStorage API.
Only the domain that wrote a piece of data using the sharedLocalStorage API gets to rewrite or delete that data.
For privacy purposes, web browsers can disable the sharedLocalStorage API as needed, and websites can display elements whenever this happens using the element in HTML5.
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