title: To be able to style fieldsets
date: 2024-03-22T20:17:58.583Z
submitter: PRIVATE
number: 65fde7769208cf00966fdbde
tags: [ ]
status: [ discussing || in-progress || complete ]
- title:
type: [ article || explainer || draft || spec || note || discussion ]
I work on forms a lot and I like using the fieldset/legend elements. I’d like to be able to style the legend as completely separate from the fieldset border. I’d also like to be able to style the fieldset using flex or grid.
Today I wanted two fieldsets side be side, almost exact inputs except the left side had an extra input at the top. I wanted to be able to use flex to bottom align the fields and use auto margins on the legends to make them align at the top. I’ll put up a codepen to illustrate if you like.
My workaround was to use divs with h3s. It works on that page but if it’s ever reused elsewhere the headings might be out of whack.
Thanks for considering.
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