I was trying to load emails. it work on other email but I get issue with email account with multiple messages.
here is the code:
$config = config('imap.accounts.default');
$config['username'] = $credentials['email'];
$config['password'] = $credentials['password'];
$client = Client::make($config);
$folders = [];
$mailFolders = $client->getFolders($hierarchical = false);
foreach ($mailFolders as $folder) {
$folder_name = $folder->name;
$folders[$folder_name]['unread_count'] = $folder->messages()->unseen()->count();
$folders[$folder_name]['messages'] = [];
$folder->messages()->all()->chunked(function ($messages, $chunk) use ($folder_name, &$folders) {
$messages->each(function($message) use ($folder_name, &$folders) {
$folders[$folder_name]['messages'][] = $message;
}, $chunk_size = 10, $start_chunk = 1);
I get the following issue in laravel:
PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1576960 bytes) in vendor/webklex/php-imap/src/Part.php on line 196
Is there a better way to load all message?