Understanding the Base Algorithm
- Sort problems by topic
- Sort by difficult, easy -> hard
- Grind out the easy questions and try to understand them as much as you can.
- Look at the discussion/solution to get clarity if stuck.
Identifying Algorithm in Questions
- For every question you do in the above section, go to the left tab and look at the "Similar Questions" section.
- Do every question within 1-level-higher of the similar questions.
- Really look at the question, and try and find hints to affirm that the algorithm you used previously applies to this question.
Modifying Algorithm for Specific Questions
- As you do the above questions, solve the question utilizing your previous solution and change the pieces that need to be changed.
- Recommend NOT looking at the solution/discussion until you feel like you're at the point of (mental/emotional) failure
Study Guide:
- Copy/Paste the Question and Implementation
- Write a paragraph summary in human-readable format explaining the solution
- Keep track of the questions that you didn't do well on
- Come back to that question a week later
A week before any of your big interviews, allocate time to do questions filtered by company/frequency - These will have questions you'll most likely get - You should be more comfortable around questions like this, that you haven't seen before - And you'll get more exposure around those questions - NOTE: I got a shit ton of those most-frequent questions in my interviews