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Disable the zoom on the classic theme preview under Appearance > Design #68948




What problem does this address?

When a classic theme adds the theme support for editor-styles, a menu item called "Design" replaces the Pattern menu, and following this link shows the dark sidebar and an iframe with the site embedded.
The preview of the front of the site replaces the preview of the editor that is shown for block themes.

This preview is not interactive, links etc are not clickable and the mouse pointer does not change when you hover over it.
I am finding the zoom when you hover the frame distracting and unpleasant.
I don't think there is a need to highlight that the preview is hovered on, since there is no clicking or interaction to encourage?
The resizer should still be visible and available.

What is your proposed solution?

Check if the zoom can be disabled and if it is an improvement.




[Status] In ProgressTracking issues with work in progress[Type] EnhancementA suggestion for improvement.[Type] FeedbackIssues that relate purely to feedback on a feature that isn't necessarily actionable


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