The current Site Health reports for the Enqueued Assets module, introduced in #25, do not include actionable information for users about how to address a site loading too many enqueued assets. As noted by @felixarntz here:
We also need to think about how to make this warning more actionable, e.g. at a minimum tell users which plugins or themes are responsible for enqueuing the majority of assets etc.
Suggestions for changes (in progress) are below.
Enqueued scripts
If acceptable
Current description: The amount of [#] enqueued scripts (size: [size]) is acceptable.
New description:
If not acceptable
Current description: Your website enqueues [#] scripts (size: [size]). Try to reduce the number or to concatenate them.
More info about performance optimization
New description:
Enqueued styles
If acceptable
Current description: The amount of [#] enqueued styles (size: [size]) is acceptable.
New description:
If not acceptable
Current description: Your website enqueues [#] styles (size: [size]). Try to reduce the number or to concatenate them.