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RTL directory

This directory contains the Verilog components for both the SDSPI controller as well as the SDIO controller.


  • SDSPI is the top level of the SDSPI controller. It contains all of the Wishbone processing logic, as well as references to all of the components within.

    • LLSDSPI is the low level SPI driver. It turns "higher-level" commands into actual transactions taking place across the wires, and returns bytes read from the MISO line for processing by the SDRXDATA module.

    • SDCMD controls both the issuing of commands over the SPI interface, as well as any return responses.

    • SPIRXDATA captures data returned from the MISO interface, and formats this data for writing to a local FIFO maintained at the SDSPI level. Note that SPIRXDATA is used for data from the device, not command replies.

    • SPITXDATA transforms data from the local FIFO to data blocks to be sent via the low-level interface.

This particular design is somewhat optimized for low area.


  • SDIO-TOP is a top level, existing as a wrapper for both the front end PHY as well as the host controller. My anticipation is that I will typically break these components up in my designs, so that the host controller will exist within the main body of any design, whereas the front end PHY will only exist within the top level--since it contains vendor dependent IO macro components which may not be simulable within an open source environment.

    • SDFRONTEND is the front end to this IP. It contains three separate implementations: 1) one for direct IO support, going up to 50MHz SDR or 25MHz DDR, 2) one that can go a touch faster if DDR IO elements are available, and 3) a third which, using 8:1 and 1:8 IO SERDES components, will support IOs all the way up to 200MHz DDR with a return data strobe. Actual IO buffers for the various SDIO signal wires are also instantiated at this level.

      • XSDDDR, contains the low-level DDR IO controllers. It's been designed specifically for Xilinx components, but also supports a non-Xilinx simulation model.

      • XSDSERDES8X, contains the setup necessary to instantiate both low-level 8:1 and 1:8 SERDES IO controllers. This has also been designed for Xilinx components, and no non-Xilinx simulation model (currently) exists for this component.

    • SDIO is the top level of the host controller. It contains all of the logic of this IP, save the PHY front end itself.

      • SDWB is the Wishbone command and control module.

      • SDAXIL is an alternative command and control module, for use when using the AXI-Lite slave interface.

        • SDSKID is a basic skidbuffer, required by AXI-Lite interface to maintain solid throughput.
      • SDCKGEN is the clock divider driving IO actions throughout.

      • SDCMD controls interaction via the command pin.

      • SDRXFRAME transforms data returned by the IO controller into commands to write into the data FIFOs within SDWB. Data may be returned by either the asynchronous interface (if the data strobe is in use) at up to 32-bits per clock cycle, or at slower rates of up to 16-bits per clock cycle.

      • SDTXFRAME transforms a 32-bit AXI stream into an outgoing transmit sequence. Three data widths are supported: 1b, 4b, and 8b. (SDIO tops out at 4b, whereas eMMC can use an 8b interface.) Three clock types are supported: 1) one data word per clock, for supporting 100MHz/SDR or 50MHz/DDR clock frequencies and below, 2) two data words per clock, for supporting 200MHz/SDR or 100MHz/DDR, and 3) four data words per clock, for 200MHz DDR.

      • SDDMA is top level of the DMA memory handling module. It depends heavily on the command/control interface to activate. This module primarily converts memory to an AXI stream to be fed to the command/control module, and again AXI stream to memory. An option exists for skipping memory and writing directly from an AXI stream, or likewise reading directly from one.

        • SDDMA_MM2S reads data from memory, to feed the gearboxes and then write to the SD card. This forms the beginning of the S2SD (write) path.

        • SDDMA_RXGEARS massages incoming data to the size of a full bus word, in preparation for (bus-word sized) the FIFO.

        • SDFIFO, a basic synchronous data FIFO.

        • SDDMA_TXGEARS takes data from the FIFO and massages it to either the size of a full bus word for writing to memory, or to 32b for writing to the SD controller.

        • SDDMA_S2MM writes data from SD card, having gone through the gearboxes, finally to memory. This forms the conclusion of the SD2S (read) path.

The SDIO controller has been optimized for speed, rather than either area or lowpower. The DMA component, in particular, may double the size of the core while achieving even greater throughput. As with many of my IP's, there is an OPT_LOWPOWER parameter which can be used to adjust this optimization for lowpower at the (potential) expense of area.

Logic Usage

A perl script is also available to measure the logic usage of these two IP components via Yosys. Measurement results are kept here. As of this writing, the SDSPI controller requires only 548 Xilinx 6-LUTs, whereas the SDIO controller requires 1438 Xilinx 6-LUTs without the DMA, and 2708 6-LUTs with the DMA.