A Unity project template to get you started creating a multiplayer augmented reality game using Placenote.
Placenote SDK: 1.6.0
Project's Unity Version: 2018.1.1f1
Xcode: 9.3
Devices tested OS: 11.3
- Clone this repository
- Critical library files are stored using lfs, which is the large file storage mechanism for git.
To Install these files, install lfs either using HomeBrew:
brew install git-lfs
or MacPorts:
port install git-lfs
And then, to get the library files, run:
git lfs install git lfs pull
- Open the project as a new project in Unity (Recommended: Unity 2018)
- Register for a Free Photon Multiplayer Account and place your account's "AppId" into the "PhotonServerSettings" in the editor.
- Make sure you have an API key. Get your API key here
- To build and run the project on your iOS device, follow these Build Instructions
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