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Prisma TypeGraphQL Types Generator



Prisma is Database ORM Library for Node.js, Typescript.

Prisma basically generate each model type definition defined in schema.prisma. Therefore, it's different from other ORMs so It does not require any additional entry classes or repository layers to model your data.

However, there are limitations to prisma solution, if you're building GraphQL APIs with TypegraphQL and Prisma you've to write the same types as classes and enums in TypeGraphQL and maintain both of Prisma definitions and TypegraphQL classes and enums to be synced as you edit them and that's not very cool in my opinion.

So I created a Prisma generator to help us with generating all of the TypegraphQL models and enums by introspecting the type definitions in prisma.schema file and do all of the work for you, so you don't have to constantly go back and forth between your TypegraphQL class types and prisma.schema file when you decide to make changes.

How this differs from typegraphql-prisma by the legend himself @MichalLytek?


  • Doesn't generate CRUD resolvers as typegraphql-prisma does.
  • Generates TypegraphQL class types and enums from your prisma.schema file.
  • It searches for a prettier config starting from your working directory and if it was found, It uses it for formatting the generated output.
  • The Generated output is very human readable and doesn't look like generated code what so ever.
  • The Generated output can be edited so you can edit the generated output and the next generation won't overwrite your changes but sustain them.
  • change whatever you want in the generated files and when you mess up the generator will correct you.
  • make the fields be skipped or nullable(require authentication).
  • specify the locations to tell where do you want to output the models and the enums.
  • only installs graphql-scalars automatically if any custom scalar types were used in prisma.schema like Json or Bytes
  • option to use yarn for installing graphql-scalars (default is npm).
  • add prefix or suffix to exported class names and enums.


Define Generator in schema.prisma and that's it

generator PrismaTypeGraphQLTypesGenerator {
  provider     = "npx prisma-typegraphql-types-generator"
  modelsOutput = "./src/models" // Optional defaults to "./src/generated/models"
  enumsOutput  = "./src/types/enums" // Optional defaults to "./src/generated/enums"
  useYarn      = true // Optional if you want `graphql-scalars` installation to be done via yarn defaults to "npm"
  exportedNameSuffix = "GQL" // Optional if you want to add a suffix to the end of your exported class names and enums
  exportedNamePrefix = "TYPE" // Optional if you want to prefix your exported class names and enums

If this is the prisma.schema πŸ‘‡

β„Ή you can set the modelsOutput and the enumsOutput paths to be wherever you want and the class models files will figure out their way to get to the enums path no problem.

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

generator PrismaTypeGraphQLTypesGenerator {
  provider     = "npx prisma-typegraphql-types-generator"
  modelsOutput = "./src/models"
  enumsOutput  = "./src/types/enums"
  useYarn      = true

datasource db {
  provider = "postgresql"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

model User {
  id                            String                 @id @default(cuid())
  name                          String                 @db.VarChar(255)
  // @nullable
  email                         String                 @unique
  // @skip
  password                      String?
  bio                           String?                @db.VarChar(160)
  // @skip
  tokenVersion                  Int                    @default(0)
  // @skip
  confirmed                     Boolean                @default(false)
  profilePic                    String?
  posts                         Post[]
  githubId                      String?                @unique
  lastTimelineVisit             DateTime?
  createdAt                     DateTime               @default(now())
  updatedAt                     DateTime               @updatedAt

model Post {
  id             String    @id @default(cuid())
  title          String
  body           String
  tags           String[]
  published      Boolean   @default(false)
  // @skip
  authorId       String
  author         User      @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  readingTimeTxt String
  readingTimeMin Float
  coverImg       String?
  createdAt      DateTime  @default(now())
  updatedAt      DateTime  @updatedAt

The generated output will be like this 😎

// src/models/User.ts
import { Field, ID, ObjectType } from 'type-graphql'
import { Post } from './Post'

export class User {
  @Field((_type) => ID)
  id: string

  name: string

  @Field({ nullable: true })
  email: string

  @Field({ nullable: true })
  bio?: string

  @Field({ nullable: true })
  profilePic?: string

  @Field((_type) => [Post])
  posts: Post[]

  @Field({ nullable: true })
  githubId?: string

  @Field({ nullable: true })
  lastTimelineVisit?: Date

  createdAt: Date

  updatedAt: Date

  // skip overwrite πŸ‘‡
// src/models/Post.ts
import { Field, ID, ObjectType, Float } from 'type-graphql'
import { User } from './User'
import { Language } from '../src/types/enums/Language'

export class Post {
  @Field((_type) => ID)
  id: string

  title: string

  body: string

  @Field((_type) => [String])
  tags: string[]

  published: boolean

  @Field((_type) => User)
  author: User

  readingTimeTxt: string

  @Field((_type) => Float)
  readingTimeMin: number

  @Field({ nullable: true })
  coverImg?: string

  @Field((_type) => Language)
  language: Language

  createdAt: Date

  updatedAt: Date

  // skip overwrite πŸ‘‡
// src/types/enums/Language.ts
import { registerEnumType } from 'type-graphql'

export enum Language {
  Typescript = 'Typescript',
  Javascript = 'Javascript',
  Go = 'Go',
  Rust = 'Rust',
  Python = 'Python',
  Java = 'Java',
  Swift = 'Swift',
registerEnumType(Language, {
  name: 'Language',

What's the // @skip and // @nullable do in prisma.schema file?

// @skip before a field in your prisma.schema file means you're telling the generator that this field is just specific for backend stuff and won't be queryable by graphql clients, so it skips adding it to the class type.

// @nullable before a field in your prisma.schema file means you're telling the generator that this field can be queryable but it depends on who's asking, so an email as an example won't be exposed to anyone just authenticated user can show his email, so It marks that field as nullable: true to assure that you won't get the email of the user if you're not that user himself.

How to edit the Generated Code without being overwritten by the generator?

You've probably noticed the // skip overwrite πŸ‘‡ comment at the very bottom of any generated class model and this's a part of what I like to call Safe Areas where you can write code without being overwritten by the generator.

So there're 4 Safe Areas:

1- above the class where you can add your own logic here and import other files/libraries

β„Ή when you try messing up by removing imports that a class needs, the generator will correct you and add it again

// src/models/User.ts
import { Field, ID, ObjectType } from 'type-graphql'
import { Post } from './Post'
+ import { addTwoNumbers } from '../utils/sillyStuff'
+ console.log(addTwoNumbers(1, 4))
export class User {
  @Field((_type) => ID)
  id: string

2- Field Config object

// src/models/User.ts
export class User {
- @Field({ nullable: true })
+ @Field({
+   nullable: true
+   description: 'This field is looking kinda sussy',
+   simple: true,
+   complexity: 5,
+ })
  username?: string

3- below the // skip overwrite πŸ‘‡ comment

// src/models/User.ts
export class User {
  // skip overwrite πŸ‘‡
+ @Field()
+ sayHello: string

4- after the class

// src/models/User.ts
export class User {
  // skip overwrite πŸ‘‡

+ @ObjectType()
+ export class UserPayload {
+   @Field((_type) => User)
+   data: User
+   @Field()
+   token: string
+ }

Real World Example


Known Issues

Basically the only times you'll see the TypeGraphQL file introspecter fails is caused by the leaky implementation I did to grab the object from the field decorator.

1- Can't use the object shorthand syntax in the field config object.

Won't work πŸ‘‡

import { complexity } from '../shared/complexity'

export class User {
+ @Field((_type) => ID, { complexity })
  id: string

2- Using commas in any string in the field config object confuses the introspecter to make it think that this comma is the end of defining a certain field in this object, so currently the solution is to add the string to a variable outside of the class and use it bellow.

Won't work πŸ‘‡

import { complexity } from '../shared/complexity'

export class User {
+ @Field((_type) => ID, { name: ",", complexity: 1 })
  id: string

Will work πŸ‘‡

import { complexity } from '../shared/complexity'

const IDFieldName = ","

export class User {
+ @Field((_type) => ID, { name: IDFieldName, complexity: 1 })
  id: string


We'll be very thankful for all your contributions, whether it's for helping us find issues in our code, highlighting features that're missing, writing tests for uncovered cases, or contributing to the codebase.

Read the Contributing guide to get started.