When Web applications are designed with accessibility in mind, they work better for everyone. At any given day, any able person might have temporary disability because of having our hands full, or being far away from what we are trying to read. By giving your users multiple ways to interact with your applications, you can increase their comfort and your apps' retention rate. In this talk, you will learn how to use AI services and WebXR APIs to increase your apps' usability.
WebXR Device API is a new set of web APIs we can use to create engaging experiences in mobile web. Great Mixed Reality experiences require your apps to be performant and well designed. In this talk we will explore the available APIs that are ready to use, what is coming in the future and how to get started with WebXR APIs. We will explore Speech and Vision APIs to extend your applications.
Getting started with WebXR API and AI services.
What is WebXR Device API? How AI can help with accessibility and usability. What are some performance concerns using WebXR and AI cloud services. What can you do with Azure Vision and Speech APIs? Using Babylon.JS to create 2D & 3D experiences?
General knowledge of Web and JavaScript.
- JavaScript
- Working with REST API
- TypeScript
3D, Accessibility, AI, AR, Audio, DataViz Design, Front End, Innovation, Inspire, Interaction, JavaScript, Libraries, Mobile, Performance, Wearables, Web Dev