This dotfiles are inspired by the Nord Theme, and are designed to be simple and easy to use.
Name | Configuration Folder |
btop++ | Configuration Folder |
cava | Configuration Folder |
fastfetch | Configuration Folder |
harlequin | Configuration Folder |
hypr | Configuration Folder |
kitty | Configuration Folder | | See documentation |
rofi | Configuration Folder |
posting | Configuration Folder |
starship | Configuration File |
superfile | Configuration Folder |
tty-clock | See documentation |
waybar | Configuration Folder |
You can find many others external configuration based on Nord Theme here.
Name | Sources | Requirements |
btop++ | GitHub | |
cava | GitHub | |
fastfetch | GitHub | ./assets/images/nord-theme.png |
harlequin | GitHub | |
hypr | GitHub | Breeze Cursor and ./assets/images/wallpaper.png |
kitty | GitHub | ./assets/fonts/CaskaydiaCoveNerdFont | | GitHub | kitty and its configuration |
posting | GitHub | |
rofi | GitHub | ./assets/fonts/UbuntuNerdFont |
starship | GitHub | |
superfile | GitHub | |
tty-clock | GitHub | kitty and its configuration |
waybar | GitHub | ./assets/fonts/UbuntuNerdFont |
git clone && cd dotfiles
For example, if you want to install the kitty
configuration, you can copy the configuration file to your home directory.
cp -r .config/kitty/ ~/.config/
- Execute -p 5 -c 4 -f 100
or add this alias to your.bashrc
file.echo alias pipesh=" -p 5 -c 4 -f 100" > ~/.bashrc # or ~/.zshrc
- rofi: Execute
rofi -show drun -theme ~/.config/rofi/config.rasi
to open rofi and apply the style. - tty-clock: Execute
tty-clock -c -C 6
or add this alias to your.bashrc
file.echo alias clock="tty-clock -c -C 6" > ~/.bashrc # or ~/.zshrc
Name | Configuration URL |
firefox | Configuration URL |
obsidian | Configuration URL |
vim/neovim | Configuration URL |
jetbrains | Configuration URL |
vscode | Configuration URL |
You can find more ports of the Nord Theme here.
Feel free to contribute to this project by opening an issue or a pull request.
Before any contribution, please check the Nord Theme color palette here.