Support for umbrella staking in the UI
- Stake modal state on the button when there are no staking positions
- Cooldown in the row
- Support for mobile devices
- Fix loading states on load
- Fix search by assets
- Invalidate Queries after staking
- Claim and multiclaim
- Fix Sorting - Mark
- Fix Icons for waTokens - Mark
- Missing amount received on amount redeem for interest accrural. Method on waToken on previewRedeem() - grothem
- Borrow balance protection when staking with aTokens(check borrowing component or withdrawl logic(max amount to withdraw) - Mark
- Contract Fixes from feedback - Joaquin
- Withdraw should be more highlighted so user knows they can exit
- Move services to utilities
- Allow filter by my assets only - Mark
- Claim needs USD value - Joaquin
- Add to wallet does not work given 11 contract - grothem
- Add 'no account connected' view/page
- Incorrect amount sent to transaction. Signature had amount lower than that on transaction. Approval was not enough
- redeem without atoken.
- issue with latest address book.
- if you dont have a stake balance but you have rewards - Mark H
- missing aggregate on APY? aToken APY in addition to rewardToken APY