In previous implement about the Segment Tree by Artur Antonov, it's a strong data structure with Generic <T>
. And we can pass a closure parameter function: (T, T) -> T
to reflect the relationship between parent and child node. And in particular, Generic can solve multiple strings stitching problem. It's just like the sample in Playground:
stringSegmentTree.replaceItem(at: 0, withItem: "I")
stringSegmentTree.replaceItem(at: 1, withItem: " like")
stringSegmentTree.replaceItem(at: 2, withItem: " algorithms")
stringSegmentTree.replaceItem(at: 3, withItem: " and")
stringSegmentTree.replaceItem(at: 4, withItem: " swift")
stringSegmentTree.replaceItem(at: 5, withItem: "!")
print(stringSegmentTree.query(leftBound: 0, rightBound: 5))
// "I like algorithms and swift!"
The use of <T>
is so exciting. But we seldom use the Segment Tree to solve string problem instead of Suffix Array. And the Segment Tree is a kind of Interval Tree to solve the Interval Problem in mathemtics and statistics, which is a structure for storing intervals, or segments, and allows querying which of the stored segments contain a given point. A segment tree for a set I of n intervals uses O(nlogn)
storage and can be built in O(nlogn)
time. Segment trees support searching for all the intervals that contain a query point in O(log n+k), k being the number of retrieved intervals or segments.
But that is common Segment Tree. By Lazy Propagation, we can implement to modify an interval in O(logn)
time. Let's explore together in following:
At first, we reference the implement of Artur Antonov about Segment Tree. This code contained build, single update and interval query three operation. The implement of build and single update operation is following:
// Author: Artur Antonov
public init(array: [T], leftBound: Int, rightBound: Int, function: @escaping (T, T) -> T) {
self.leftBound = leftBound
self.rightBound = rightBound
self.function = function
// ①
if leftBound == rightBound {
value = array[leftBound]
// ②
else {
let middle = (leftBound + rightBound) / 2
leftChild = SegmentTree<T>(array: array, leftBound: leftBound, rightBound: middle, function: function)
rightChild = SegmentTree<T>(array: array, leftBound: middle+1, rightBound: rightBound, function: function)
value = function(leftChild!.value, rightChild!.value)
In position ①, it means the current node is leaf because its left bound data is equal to the right. So we assign a value to it directly. In position ②, it means the current node is parent (which has one or more children), and we need to recursion down and update current node's data in the follow-up process.
And then, we have a look for interval query operation:
// Author: Artur Antonov
public func query(leftBound: Int, rightBound: Int) -> T {
if self.leftBound == leftBound && self.rightBound == rightBound {
return self.value
guard let leftChild = leftChild else { fatalError("leftChild should not be nil") }
guard let rightChild = rightChild else { fatalError("rightChild should not be nil") }
// ①
if leftChild.rightBound < leftBound {
return rightChild.query(leftBound: leftBound, rightBound: rightBound)
// ②
else if rightChild.leftBound > rightBound {
return leftChild.query(leftBound: leftBound, rightBound: rightBound)
// ③
else {
let leftResult = leftChild.query(leftBound: leftBound, rightBound: leftChild.rightBound)
let rightResult = rightChild.query(leftBound:rightChild.leftBound, rightBound: rightBound)
return function(leftResult, rightResult)
Position ① means that the left bound of current query interval is on the right of this right bound, so recurs to right direction. Position ② is opposite of position ①, recurs to left direction. Position ③ means our check interval is included the interval we need, so recurs deeply.
There are common part from the two parts of code above - recurs deeply below, and update data up. So we can decouple this operation named func pushUp(lson: LazySegmentTree, rson: LazySegmentTree)
// MARK: - Push Up Operation
private func pushUp(lson: LazySegmentTree, rson: LazySegmentTree) {
self.value = lson.value + rson.value
(This code only describe the Sum Segment Tree)
And then, we can update the implement before:
public init(array: [Int], leftBound: Int, rightBound: Int) {
self.leftBound = leftBound
self.rightBound = rightBound
self.value = 0
self.lazyValue = 0
guard leftBound != rightBound else {
value = array[leftBound]
let middle = leftBound + (rightBound - leftBound) / 2
leftChild = LazySegmentTree(array: array, leftBound: leftBound, rightBound: middle)
rightChild = LazySegmentTree(array: array, leftBound: middle + 1, rightBound: rightBound)
if let leftChild = leftChild, let rightChild = rightChild {
pushUp(lson: leftChild, rson: rightChild)
// MARK: - One Item Update
public func update(index: Int, incremental: Int) {
guard self.leftBound != self.rightBound else {
self.value += incremental
guard let leftChild = leftChild else { fatalError("leftChild should not be nil") }
guard let rightChild = rightChild else { fatalError("rightChild should not be nil") }
let middle = self.leftBound + (self.rightBound - self.leftBound) / 2
if index <= middle { leftChild.update(index: index, incremental: incremental) }
else { rightChild.update(index: index, incremental: incremental) }
pushUp(lson: leftChild, rson: rightChild)
You may feel that the pushUp
is so simple. In fact, this's just to lead pushDown
this function.
Before this, I want to talk about the topic about interval operation. The interval operation is a way to update all elements of a continuous subset. But these isn't in the version of Artur Antonov. You might disdain with this, because it's solved with a for
// Sample: update the elements with subscript [2, 5]
for index in 2 ... 5 {
sumSegmentTree.update(index: index, incremental: 3)
It is a O(n)
time operation, which make the interval operation uses O(nlogn)
time to update these elements. We need a O(logn)
way to maintain the elegance of Segment Tree.
Check the data structure of Segment Tree again:
We only catch the root node in programming. If we want to explore the bottom of the tree, and use pushUp
to update every node, the task will be reached. So it asked us to traverse the tree, that spent O(n)
time to do this with any way. This can't conform our expectations.
Then we started to think about pushDown
to update down from the root. After we update the parent, the data continued to distributed to its children according to law. But it still need O(n)
time to do this. Keep thinking, we only update the parent, and to update the children when query
time. Yeah, that's the key of lazy propagation. Because the recursing direct of the query
and update interval
is same. So we got it! 😁 Let's check this sample:
make the subscript 1...3 elements plus 2, so we make the 1st node in 2 depth and 3rd in 3 depth get a lazy mark, which means these node need to be updated. And we shouldn't add a lazy mark for root node, because it was updated before the pushDown
in the first recursing.
In query
operation, we accord to the original method to recurs the tree, and find the 1st node held lazy mark in 2 depth, so to update it. It's the same situation about the 1st node in 3 depth.
Do you understand the lazy propagation? In short, we only update the wide range node data and add it a lazy mark. Then they will be update when we need to query them. And the Update Down operation is the function of pushDown
This is the complete implementation about the Sum Segment Tree with interval update operation:
public class LazySegmentTree {
private var value: Int
private var leftBound: Int
private var rightBound: Int
private var leftChild: LazySegmentTree?
private var rightChild: LazySegmentTree?
// Interval Update Lazy Element
private var lazyValue: Int
// MARK: - Push Up Operation
// Description: pushUp() - update items to the top
private func pushUp(lson: LazySegmentTree, rson: LazySegmentTree) {
self.value = lson.value + rson.value
// MARK: - Push Down Operation
// Description: pushDown() - update items to the bottom
private func pushDown(round: Int, lson: LazySegmentTree, rson: LazySegmentTree) {
guard lazyValue != 0 else { return }
lson.lazyValue += lazyValue
rson.lazyValue += lazyValue
lson.value += lazyValue * (round - (round >> 1))
rson.value += lazyValue * (round >> 1)
lazyValue = 0
public init(array: [Int], leftBound: Int, rightBound: Int) {
self.leftBound = leftBound
self.rightBound = rightBound
self.value = 0
self.lazyValue = 0
guard leftBound != rightBound else {
value = array[leftBound]
let middle = leftBound + (rightBound - leftBound) / 2
leftChild = LazySegmentTree(array: array, leftBound: leftBound, rightBound: middle)
rightChild = LazySegmentTree(array: array, leftBound: middle + 1, rightBound: rightBound)
if let leftChild = leftChild, let rightChild = rightChild {
pushUp(lson: leftChild, rson: rightChild)
public convenience init(array: [Int]) {
self.init(array: array, leftBound: 0, rightBound: array.count - 1)
public func query(leftBound: Int, rightBound: Int) -> Int {
if leftBound <= self.leftBound && self.rightBound <= rightBound {
return value
guard let leftChild = leftChild else { fatalError("leftChild should not be nil") }
guard let rightChild = rightChild else { fatalError("rightChild should not be nil") }
pushDown(round: self.rightBound - self.leftBound + 1, lson: leftChild, rson: rightChild)
let middle = self.leftBound + (self.rightBound - self.leftBound) / 2
var result = 0
if leftBound <= middle { result += leftChild.query(leftBound: leftBound, rightBound: rightBound) }
if rightBound > middle { result += rightChild.query(leftBound: leftBound, rightBound: rightBound) }
return result
// MARK: - One Item Update
public func update(index: Int, incremental: Int) {
guard self.leftBound != self.rightBound else {
self.value += incremental
guard let leftChild = leftChild else { fatalError("leftChild should not be nil") }
guard let rightChild = rightChild else { fatalError("rightChild should not be nil") }
let middle = self.leftBound + (self.rightBound - self.leftBound) / 2
if index <= middle { leftChild.update(index: index, incremental: incremental) }
else { rightChild.update(index: index, incremental: incremental) }
pushUp(lson: leftChild, rson: rightChild)
// MARK: - Interval Item Update
public func update(leftBound: Int, rightBound: Int, incremental: Int) {
if leftBound <= self.leftBound && self.rightBound <= rightBound {
self.lazyValue += incremental
self.value += incremental * (self.rightBound - self.leftBound + 1)
guard let leftChild = leftChild else { fatalError("leftChild should not be nil") }
guard let rightChild = rightChild else { fatalError("rightChild should not be nil") }
pushDown(round: self.rightBound - self.leftBound + 1, lson: leftChild, rson: rightChild)
let middle = self.leftBound + (self.rightBound - self.leftBound) / 2
if leftBound <= middle { leftChild.update(leftBound: leftBound, rightBound: rightBound, incremental: incremental) }
if middle < rightBound { rightChild.update(leftBound: leftBound, rightBound: rightBound, incremental: incremental) }
pushUp(lson: leftChild, rson: rightChild)
Explain some sample snippets:
private var lazyValue: Int
Here we add a new property for Segment Tree to represent lazy mark. And it is a incremental value for Sum Segment Tree. If the lazyValue
isn't equal to zero, the current node need to be updated. And its real value is equal to value + lazyValue * (rightBound - leftBound + 1)
// MARK: - Push Down Operation
// Description: pushDown() - update items to the bottom
private func pushDown(round: Int, lson: LazySegmentTree, rson: LazySegmentTree) {
guard lazyValue != 0 else { return }
lson.lazyValue += lazyValue
rson.lazyValue += lazyValue
lson.value += lazyValue * (round - (round >> 1))
rson.value += lazyValue * (round >> 1)
lazyValue = 0
At first we check whether the node needs to be updated. If the lazyValue
isn't equal to zero, we need to pushDown
. And the update rules are the lazyValue * (rightBound - leftBound + 1)
. At last, reset the lazyValue
to zero.
This is the introduce of the Lazy Propagation in Segment Tree. You can also learn Functional Segment Tree to understand the Lazy Propagation deeply. In addition, I learn from the notonlysuccess's code about Segment Tree described by C, this is the link.
In fact, the operation of Segment Tree is far more than that. It can also be used to handle problems between collections. I want to implement it with Swift in the future and make the Swift Segment Tree stronger and stronger. 😁
Written for Swift Algorithm Club by Desgard_Duan