I have an installation issue. When running 'conda install --file requirements.txt', I got the PackagesNotFoundError for the 'jellyfish' and 'edlib'. The 'jellyfish' was separately installed via conda, but the 'edlib' was failed to be installed using conda, separately. Instead I installed it via pip3 install edlib. However, when trying to run the tool usding the test datasets, it wasn't properly working. I attacehd the log as below. Could you give some advice to figure out the issue? Thank you.
$ /Users/thkang/TandemTools/ --nano /Users/thkang/TandemTools/test_data/simulated_reads.fasta /Users/thkang/TandemTools/test_data/simulated_polished.fa -o simulated_res
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/thkang/TandemTools/", line 12, in
from scripts import polishing
File "/Users/thkang/TandemTools/scripts/", line 7, in
from ext_tools.Flye.flye.polishing.polish import polish
File "/Users/thkang/TandemTools/ext_tools/Flye/flye/polishing/", line 28, in
from scripts.utils import get_ext_tools_dir
File "/Users/thkang/TandemTools/scripts/", line 12, in
from Bio import SeqIO
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Bio'