Hello, I am trying to run metaquast through my university's HPC system. The system has both quast v 5.2.0 and genemark_s v 2012.04 available. However, when running this command with both modules loaded I receive the following warning:
--threads 14
-l megahit,SPAdes
2024-06-21 14:05:22
WARNING: GeneMark tool can't be started because of license limitations!
NOTICE: Genes are not predicted by default. Use --gene-finding or --glimmer option to enable it.
The rest of the command works as expected with the exception of Drawing interactive Krona plots which I know is a known bug. Unfortunately the --no-krona option isn't supported on my system but that is a separate problem. My HPC is again hosted by an American university and thus shouldn't have this license restriction. Please let me know what solutions or work arounds are available.