This is the same bug as reported before, #327. Occurred elsewhere for me, at other times in the last few months, with no rhyme or reason, sometimes clearing up by itself.
I am using ubuntu-latest.
Here is the workflow:
Adding this job fixes the problem temporarily until this action plugin works again.
Crashing without it:
Now working with the workaround:
The problem is that once your plugin works magically again, this mkdir crashes your plugin.
Please fix your plugin to be more robust so that if the directory exists or not, no problem.
Task version:
4.0.1. Also now just the latest, 4.1.0.
- Ubuntu
Runner type:
It's a github hosted runner using one of they crappy VMs??.
Repro steps:
Every PR kicks off the build and runs into this.
Expected behavior:
It should just work.
Actual behavior:
Fails with mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/usr/share/dotnet’: Permission denied