as in setup python
if (IS_MAC) {
process.env['AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY'] = '/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache';
if (process.env.AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY?.trim()) {
process.env['RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE'] = process.env['AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY'];
`Python is expected to be installed into ${process.env['RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE']}`
setup-node should read the AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY environment variable and if it exists, sets the RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE variable equal to it
A GitHub support agent said:
I was able to get this to work by forking actions/setup-node and copying the same implementation on actions/setup-python to allow support for AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY on my fork - essentially just throwing in those few lines where the run function is defined here.
Other actions already support this declaration and we need to use it to populate a caching system we are building to avoid hitting so often to install programming languages.
Are you willing to submit a PR?
possibly, I will need to check schedule with our engineering team.