Forum user @galinawind provided a detailed word document of suggested improvements and some corrections for the WalkMP3rson guide.
The document is attached here, but I let an AI summarize the contents.
I can order the parts and start making guide updates, but it would be good to have @jedgarpark do a review first.
Walkmp3rson Project Corrections and Additions
1. Parts List Corrections and Additions
- Adafruit I2C Stemma QT Rotary Encoder
- Micro Potentiometer Knob (not needed)
- Additional components needed: M2.5 Nylon hardware, heat shrink, Dupont connectors, CAT5 cable or 24AWG wire
2. CAD Files and 3D Printing Options
- Libraries and community centers
- Commercial services like ShapeWays
3. Display Connection
- Header attachment to Feather Doubler
- Preparing display wires
- Correcting wire connection based on circuit diagram
4. Display and Header Assembly
- Bending pins for display attachment
- Testing display connection
5. Amplifier Preparation and Connection
- Socket attachment to amplifier
- Wire attachment difficulties
- Hot glue to secure connections
6. Headphone Output
- Heat shrink for plug
- Connection to amplifier
7. On/Off Switch Installation
- No specific on/off labeling
- Hot glue for security
8. NeoKey and Encoder Testing
- Cable connections
9. Final Assembly Adjustments
- Display mount adjustments
- Feather Doubler and USB port alignment
- Button and switch mounting
- SD card extender stability
- Final assembly and screw placement
10. Code Corrections and Enhancements
- Memory error on track switching
- Directory structure for music organization