Here are some random ideas to make CircuitPython better standalone.
- Add hot key to switch between terminal display and program display.
- Add program suspend state that is stored in RAM so that switching between programs doesn't need to lose all state. For example, a code editor may want to save the open file(s) and line numbers. It wouldn't be stored in flash.
- Add program browser to "activate" or "install" programs into slots for F1-F12 keys. Serves as a quick way to switch between them. Could fetch programs from github repo.
- Add foreground and background color support per-tile in TileGrid. This would allow terminal coloring and color inversion.
- Add emoji support.
- Support gamepad switching too.
- LVGL displayio for speed? Especially scrolling terminal.
-like buffer for USB HID devices?- Software
- Code editor
- Tracker
- Image editor. w/tile guides
- Pong
- Snake